Located in Central Africa, Gabon has some rather unique characteristics in terms of land tenure. It is indeed one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, one of the most urbanized and one of the richest in forests. Gabon's economy is mainly based on the exploitation of natural resources, notably oil, mining and timber. These activities occupy the vast majority of the territory. In 2022, Gabon was the most prosperous country in Africa with a high human development index.
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04 January 2024
Photo ID 557871 UN Photo/Tobin Jones (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
Are you passionate about upholding Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LC) rights and supporting the protection of forests and biodiversity and the governance of IPLC land and forests in the African continent?
Do you have…
02 November 2022
Africa is one of the world’s last frontiers of biodiversity – housing roughly one fifth of the planet’s known species of mammals, birds, and plants. An abundance of life flourishes in diverse ecosystems across the continent. The Congo Basin – the world’s second largest tropical rainforest and the…
31 August 2022
Libreville, Gabon – In a thick tropical rainforest in a tiny country in Central Africa, a guide pauses next to a huge tree. The Niove tree, he explains while cutting it with a machete, produces a dark red sap that looks like blood and can be used as an antiseptic to treat wounds.
After wiping the…
In 2021, Gabon became the first African country to be financially compensated for its ability to reduce CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation under the REDD+ mechanism. The country received a payment of $17 million from Norway, out of a total envelope of $150 million.
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In conversation: Rights-based approaches for forest protection initiatives
Diverse perspectives on the development of solid benefit sharing and community contracting
Wednesday 12th May | 10:00 am – 11.30 am (BST) | Via Zoom
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Initiatives aimed at tackling the climate crisis…
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