Land is an essential source of livelihood for a majority of Sierra Leoneans. Most of Sierra Leone’s population lives in rural areas and it’s GDP is largely based on agriculture. The three main livelihood activities surveyed in the 2015 population and housing census are crop farming, animal husbandry and fishery, which depend largely on access to and ownership of land. Smallholders mostly cultivate rice, cassava, cocoa, coffee, cashew, groundnut, palm oil, vegetables and other fruit trees.
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
7,218,000 ha
1,614.7 USD
Total population
Urban population
42.1 %
Land-related indicators
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NewsBrowse all
06 December 2022
The Land Portal is hiring researchers with expertise on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana, and The Gambia. We are particularly seeking qualified applicants for Sierra Leone and will keep positions open until they are filled.
Job Description
Each consultant will undertake…
06 December 2022
The Land Portal is hiring researchers with expertise on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana, and The Gambia. We are particularly seeking qualified applicants for Sierra Leone and will keep positions open until they are filled.
Job Description
Each consultant will undertake…
06 December 2022
O Land Portal está contratando pesquisadores(as) com experiência na Libéria, Serra Leoa, Zimbábue, Sudão, Moçambique, Gana e Gâmbia. Aplicar até 20 de janeiro.
Descrição do trabalho
Cada consultor(a) realizará uma pesquisa documental completa e conduzirá um estudo de escopo no respectivo país…
“In the last years mining, as well as large-scale farming operations have been set up all over the country. In a context of weak land governance, these investments are leading to a lot of conflicts with communities ”
<strong>Berns Komba Lebbie </strong><em>National coordinator</em><em>Land for Life Sierra Leone Consortium</em>
BlogsBrowse all
17 November 2023
Em um webinário instigante moderado por Nolundi Luwaya, Diretor do Centro de Pesquisa sobre Terras e Responsabilidade da Universidade da Cidade do Cabo, especialistas de toda a África se reuniram para desvendar as complexidades do papel das…
EventsBrowse all
Dear Friends,
Something special happened in Sierra Leone last month. Twenty-one dynamo legal empowerment advocates from nine countries came together to compare notes about the struggle for environmental justice.
On Wednesday, April 4th, all of us will have the chance to find out what they learned…