Europe | Land Portal





CPI’s mission is to help nations grow while addressing increasingly scarce resources and climate risk. This is a complex challenge in which policy plays a crucial role.


EOC conducts research in the field of remote sensing. We seek answers to urgent social questions relating to the environment and climate, mobility and planning, prevention and management of natural catastrophes, and civil security. We operate satellite data receiving stations in Germany and abroad. In the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) we safeguard data and information products long-term and make them available to users.

European Association for Comparative Economic Studies logo

In an International Conference held in Urbino (Italy) in 1989 a large number of European economists doing research in the field of comparative studies decided to build a new European association in order to further research and scientific exchanges on the subject.

Amigos de la Tierra (Amigos de la Tierra)

Asociación ecologista sin ánimo de lucro con la misión de fomentar un cambio local y global hacia una sociedad respetuosa con el medio ambiente, justa y solidaria. Somos un grupo de personas que defendemos la justicia social y ambiental; creemos firmemente que el centro de las políticas han de ser las personas y La Tierra. Así, denunciamos y presionamos a empresas y administraciones, a la vez que proponemos diversas soluciones para lograr un mundo más justo.


DOPA is a biodiversity information system developed by the JRC that functions as a tool for assessing, monitoring and forecasting biodiversity status and trends. It is made up of a set of interoperable web services developed by the JRC, using data from international organisations such as the World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, among others.

Ekta Parishad Europe is an open network of independent organisations and individuals of European countries. Its primary goal is to provide moral, political and financial support to social movements which assist deprived people to achieve control over their means of livelihood such as water, land and forest.

We initiate, design and operate ESG Data Intermediation Services …


  1. “Food Hinterland System” and its nucleus of the distributed Digital Product Passport (dDPP) for food value chains
  2. “Fair Work” and its enforcement policy innovation
  3.  Ontochain’s Babelfish project implementation


Our concepts and services are synergetic with the swelling data-driven ESG policy stream and reflect existing, grown but sometimes transforming multi-level governance constellations.

The project aims at promoting Europe’s innovation capacity among universities, cities and businesses to deliver a new approach to Urban Forestr

Interreg Sudoe logo

Programa Interreg Sudoe (SUDOE Interreg IVB)

El Programa Interreg Sudoe apoya el desarrollo regional en el sudoeste de Europa financiando proyectos transnacionales a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

El Programa promueve la cooperación transnacional para resolver problemas comunes a las regiones del sudoeste europeo, como la baja inversión en investigación y desarrollo, la baja competitividad de la pequeña y mediana empresa y la exposición al cambio climático y a riesgos ambientales.

Aims to make policymakers and on-the-ground development managers aware of the latest and best in British development research findings. Offers policy-relevant findings on critical global development issues, drawn from over 40 major UK-based economics and social studies departments and think-tanks, together with a wide range of NGO research departments and consultants.

Service is divided into sectors:

Europe-Asia Studies

Publishes on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the former communist countries of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia.