Global related Organization | Land Portal
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GeoVille is a private sector enterprise, founded by Dr. Christian Hoffmann in 1998, with the vision to remap the unknowns of human activities around the world. The company is registered as a limited liability company (GmbH) under Austrian law. During its operational period, GeoVille has established a broad international client base and successfully participated in more than 470 national and international projects. GeoVille is dedicated to providing a wide range of value-added services for Earth observation data and GIS applications.

The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) supports more than 75 nations committed to leveraging mining for sustainable development to ensure negative impacts are limited and financial benefits are shared. It is devoted to optimizing the benefits of mining to achieve poverty reduction, inclusive growth, social development, and environmental stewardship.


The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) is an international non-profit thinktank headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

Bringing together 25 groundbreaking thinkers and practitioners from diverse fields and world regions, we conduct in-depth research, provide policy recommendations, and advocate for sustainable, equitable, and healthy food systems worldwide.

The GATC's mission is to be a single voice to fight for the collective rights of our peoples and communities, for the legal recognition of our territories, for protecting Mother Earth and all human beings, and to combat the causes of climate change. In parallel, we increase the capacities of our member organizations to better protect our territories and ensure the full exercise of our cultures and livelihoods.

Equal Rights Trust

Our vision is an equal world: a world in which everyone – irrespective of their identity, status or beliefs – can participate in every area of life on an equal basis with others. We work towards this vision by addressing one of the root causes of inequality: discrimination. We focus our efforts on eliminating discrimination, its consequences and its legacies. We do this through the law.

Fondé en 2000, VertigO est une revue scientifique interdisciplinaire de sciences naturelles et de sciences humaines dont les articles sont soumis aux règles usuelles d’évaluation par un comité de pairs. Elle assure la promotion et la diffusion au sein de la francophonie de recherches et d'analyses scientifiques sur les grands problèmes environnementaux contemporains. En moins de 8 ans, elle a réussi à s’imposer au plan international comme étant la première revue électronique francophone en importance dans le domaine des sciences de l’environnement (

VertigOpublie des recherches originales utilisant dans le mesure du possible des approches pluri, multi ou transdisciplinaire. Les articles soumis doivent aborder un problème de gestion environnementale en utilisant des approches telles que les études de cas, les analyses théoriques, les analyses empiriques, les techniques pratiques (modèles mathématique et informatique) visant à questionner des observations environnementales. Les articles doivent informer simultanément les chercheurs-es et les practiciens-nes œuvrant dans le cadre des problèmes environnementaux régionaux, nationaux ou inter-États.

Éditée en France depuis 1960, la Revue internationale des études du développement (Ried), anciennement Revue Tiers Monde, est une revue scientifique pluridisciplinaire produite par l’Institut d’études du développement de la Sorbonne (IEDES) et publiée depuis 2017 par les Éditions de la Sorbonne. La revue accueille trois fois par an, dans ses numéros thématiques, des contributions en français, anglais et espagnol sur le développement des pays des Suds, en mobilisant la plupart des sciences humaines et sociales à travers des études contextuelles.

TINTA (The Invisible Thread) is a facilitation platform aimed at strengthening Indigenous  local community, and territorial organisations.

Fonte: Revista Campo Territorio

Revista Campo-Território (Revista Campo-Território)

A Campo-Território: revista de Geografia Agrária, criada em 2006, registrada sob o número ISSN:1809-6271, é uma publicação do grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros de Geografia Agrária, cujos nomes foram discutidos e aprovados, em plenária, no XVII Encontro Nacional de Geografia Agrária em Gramado (Rio Grande do Sul), em novembro de 2004. A revista é editada quadrimestralmente e em caráter excepcional, poderá haver também números especiais. Sendo veículo de registro e divulgação científica, tem como objetivos: a) publicar trabalhos inéditos de revisão crítica sobre tema pertinente à Geografia Agrária e áreas afins ou resultados de pesquisas de natureza empírica, experimental ou conceitual; b) fomentar o intercâmbio de experiências em sua especialidade com outras Instituições, nacionais ou estrangeiras, que mantenham publicações congêneres; c) defender e respeitar os princípios do pluralismo de ideias filosóficas, políticas e científicas.

The Canadian Food Security Policy Group is a network of Canadian development and humanitarian organizations with expertise in global food systems, and food security in the Global South.  Since 1996, we have been carrying out joint advocacy, research and policy dialogue to ensure that Canada’s international agricultural and development policies advance global food security in an inclusive, environmentally sustainable, and coherent way.

Le Groupe canadien sur la politique de sécurité alimentaire est un réseau d'organisations canadiennes de développement et humanitaires possédant une expertise dans les systèmes alimentaires mondiaux et la sécurité alimentaire dans les pays du Sud.

Climate Watch offers open data, visualizations and analysis to help policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders gather insights on countries' climate progress.