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Reports & Research
April 2024

Le Cirad et la plateforme pastorale du Tchad organisent une conférence internationale “Agriculture, Pastoralisme et Aires Protégées : tensions et solutions pour l’avenir des territoires ruraux en Afrique Centrale et au Sahel”. Cette dernière sur lieu les 2 et 3 octobre 2024 à N’Djamena.

La Conférence a pour objectif de : 

January 2024

Context and backgroundMultidimensional Poverty (MP) considers poverty in multiple dimensions of deprivations such as health, education, energy, the standard of living and access to basic services. MP remains a major challenge in Africa, with a large proportion of the population living in MP.

January 2024

This detailed activity report outlines the comprehensive approach taken to construct drying racks. This technology can promote women’s fish processors’ participation in the fisheries value chain and their economic resilience to the economic impacts of climate change in the sector. The technology was selected based on a study on women’s fisherfolk’s resilience

January 2024

Future climate models indicate an enhanced severity of regional drought and frequent rewetting events, which may cause cascading impacts on soil nitrogen cycle and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, but the underlying microbial mechanism remains largely unknown.

January 2024

This study contributes to the observed reduction of arable lands discourse by examining the shift in land use patterns as well as factors influencing farmers' shift from crop production to mining activities. To achieve this, we employed a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Cragg's Double Hurdle Econometric Model as analytical tools.

January 2024

Spanning four villages- Amei, Lolera, Lembapuli and Lesoit- and covering an expansive 81,237 hectares, the ALLOLE shared grazing land cluster stands as the largest in Kiteto District, Tanzania.

January 2024

Africa produces around 60% of the rice the continent consumes, relying heavily on rice imports to fulfill the rest of the domestic demand. Over the past 10 years, the rice-agricultural area increased nearly 40%, while average yield remained stagnant.

January 2024

Agriculture consumes the largest share of freshwater globally; therefore, distinguishing between rainfed and irrigated croplands is essential for agricultural water management and food security.

January 2024

Youth transition in the common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) value chain remains low in Ghana and Cameroon despite the potential of the bean sub-sector in reducing poverty, unemployment, and undernutrition. This study compared youth transition in the bean value chain in Ghana and Cameroon.

January 2024

Maize prices fluctuate significantly throughout the year in Malawi, creating winners and losers depending on who is selling and who is buying the staple at different times. We link maize market price data to nationally and temporally representative household survey data on maize sales and purchases to quantify welfare gains and losses throughout the year.