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July 2023
Central America

Desde 2018 se ha cuatriplicado la cantidad de personas que pasan hambre en Centroamérica, donde hoy 7.3 millones de personas se encuentran en esa situación. Escucha este adelanto del segundo #podcast de la serie Centroamérica Resiste junto a Expediente Público de Nicaragua.

Reports & Research
October 2022
Central America

Es importante notar que las pérdidas y daños tienen una dimensión económica pero también tienen una dimensión no-económica. Los aspectos no económicos pueden incluir la cultura, tradiciones, idiomas, etc. Las pérdidas y daños tienen un impacto significativo en los derechos humanos de las personas y sus comunidades (Serdeczny 2019; Martínez et al. 2022; Martínez 2021; Albar et al. 2020).

Journal Articles & Books
January 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central America
South America

A COVID-19 é um acontecimento liminal. Repentinamente, reconfigurou a organização da vida quotidiana, colocou a ordem política à prova e levou à recessão econômica.

Tendencia en defensoras de tierra, territorio y justicia.
Reports & Research
August 2021
Central America

Desde el asesinato de Berta Cáceres en 2016 hasta el 2021, al menos 21 defensoras de tierra y territorio han sido asesinadas en Mesoamérica. Otras 45 defensoras sufrieron intentos de asesinato. Entre 2016 y 2019, registramos un total de 7141 agresiones, 1 de cada 4 de estas fueron dirigidas a defensoras de tierra y territorio. Casi la mitad de las agresiones ocurrieron en Honduras.

Land Use Policy
Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021
Central America
South America

Participatory water governance has become highly influential around the world as a means for managing water resources. Scholars and practitioners advocate for the inclusion of previously marginalized communities in water resources management through the devolution of power, responsibility, and participation.

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2021
Central America

Urbanization rate in Central America is the second fastest worldwide and its major cities face challenges regarding urban sustainability. Urban Green Fabric (UGF) is an important material condition for the urban quality of life and, therefore, key to planning processes.

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2020
South America
Central America

The urban planning ideas proposed by Jane Jacobs in the 1960s remain relevant to this day, promoting a perspective on the relationship between urban morphology and the community that takes into consideration the experiences of the people themselves in the planning of cities.

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2020
South America
Central America

Much of the research on urbanization has focused on how rural populations move to cities for work opportunities. This paper takes a different perspective on the relations between rural populations and urbanization. The livelihoods of rural dwellers on the outskirts of the city of Bogotá in Colombia are increasingly affected by the expansion of urban activities and infrastructure.