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Institutional & promotional materials
March 2024

Le ProPFR vise l’amélioration de la protection juridique de l’accès à la terre, compte oeuvrer pour apporter un appui et un accompagnement aux structures étatiques, des structures déconcentrées du code rural, à la société civile et aux leaders d’opinion pour faire de la gouvernance foncière, le levier pour le développement des activités économiques rurales.

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2023
Western Africa
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

Ce numéro de « Regards sur le foncier » reprend une partie des communications présentées lors du séminaire régional sur la gestion foncière locale en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar, organisé en mars 2023 à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, à l’initiative du Comité technique « Foncier & développement » (CTFD).

January 2023

Seasonal climate forecasts are crucial inputs for effective planning of adaptation to climate variability in the climate-sensitive development sectors. In West Africa, recommendations associated with seasonal forecasts are often based on expert judgment and assessment of the forecasts.

January 2023

Most people in Niger still rely heavily on agriculture as a source of income. However, low productivity, climate change, soil infertility, pests, and diseases are challenges faced by this sector. As a result, the nation suffers from a severe problem of food insecurity. Many investigations indicate that adopting improved crop varieties(ICVs) increases agricultural productivity.

January 2023

Land-use-change-induced increases in shallow groundwater levels across parts of the Sahel in recent years have coincided with expanded use of groundwater for irrigation. This study was conducted to assess the potential linkages and livelihood implications based on a field survey of nine villages building on previous hydrological studies.

January 2023

Many sub-Saharan farmers rely on agricultural production for home consumption and sell crops to meet their other needs. Farmers’ market intervention enhances economic expansion and helps to improve household food security.

January 2023

A l’instar des régions du Niger, l’agriculture de la région de Tillabéri fait face à plusieurs conséquences néfastes du changement climatique affectant le développement agricole de la région. Cependant, il existe diverses potentialités pour développer ce secteur agricole afin de mieux supporter les chocs climatiques telles que l’Agriculture Intelligent face au Climat (AIC).

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2023

Environmental identities and attitude towards oil pipeline vandalism in Niger Delta oil-producing communities were examined to show whether low environmental identity is associated with an environmentally destructive attitude, as well as how such issues may be connected with incidents of oil pipeline vandalism in the area.

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2023

Environmental identities and attitude towards oil pipeline vandalism in Niger Delta oil-producing communities were examined to show whether low environmental identity is associated with an environmentally destructive attitude, as well as how such issues may be connected with incidents of oil pipeline vandalism in the area.