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Showing items 67267 through 67275 of 73565.Ethiopia is one of the most populated and poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and as such has been a high priority country for IFPRI research and capacity-building work.
Because of their spatial scale, most irrigation systems, forests, rangelands, and fisheries cannot be managed at the individual or household level (Knox McCulloch, Meinzen-Dick, and Hazell 1998).
Bangladesh has made notable progress in achieving food security, despite extreme population pressures, limited land resources, and an agrarian structure dominated by small and tenant farmers.
In Nigeria, conventional financial institutions serve only about 35 percent of the active population, and the poor, especially women, have limited access to financial services. Private sector-led microfinance institutions (MFIs) are increasingly playing a role to fill this need.
Concluímos preliminarmente que oferecer treino em gestão sustentável das terras (GST) aos agricultores de contacto típi-cos e fazer com que mantenham lotes de demonstração na comunidade tinha, no geral, um impacto reduzido na aprendiza-gem e na adoção de práticas de GST.
The lack of updated information about food security is of concern to many countries, especially during and after economic crises, natural disasters, and conflicts. In this paper we present an analytical framework for assessing the effects of such crises on food security.
"Previous studies implicitly assume uniform price-effects across regions or provinces within countries. They also do not address the issue of integration between the world food market and local markets.
Most conflicts in the developing world take place in rural areas, displacing large numbers of civilians and disrupting their agricultural livelihoods. Rebuilding agriculture is an important strategy for post-conflict reconstruction.
Migration, AIDS epidemics, and urban food security, interact in complex ways that are little researched and understood in the Southern and Eastern African context.
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