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Showing items 7444 through 7452 of 73534.This Decree, consisting of 14 articles, regulates item V of the caput of art. 17 of Law 8,629 of 25 February 1993, providing for the settlement credits within the agrarian reform programme.
The Act determines the bases and procedure for valuation of unlawfully expropriated property being the object of ownership reform and the method and extent of compensation thereof.
The present Act validates the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia for the Settlement of Questions respecting Indian Reserve Lands.
Regulation on the National Land-Use Planning Council establishes the legal status, composition, powers and the functioning thereof.
The main aim of the present Act is to ensure that the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the related regions shall be developed, organized and protected by general regional plans.
The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidation. Article 1 establishes that to improve production, working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated.
El presente Acuerdo dispone que para obtener la Guía de embarque el interesado deberá contar con su Contrato de Arrendamiento y Certificado Ambiental vigente o tener en proceso la solicitud de Contrato de Arrendamiento y Certificado Ambiental de la finca camaronera enmarcada en la Ley de Fortalec
This Act amends section 28 of the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016, which in its turn amends section 42 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. The amendments concern environmental impact assessment for the planning of residential housing.
El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Reglamento autónomo para la adquisición de tierras, que tiene como objetivo normar el procedimiento de adquisición de tierras del Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario, para la formación de asentamientos campesinos.
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