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CNVP (Connecting Natural Values and People) is a Dutch based organization operating in the Balkans. Being part of the forestry team within SNV http://www.snv.org a group of committed forestry engineers decided to establish CNVP in July, 2012. From its origins up to today this small team of enthusiastics has grown to 25 people from diversified backgrounds. Currently CNVP is implementing projects in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

After seven years, in July 2019, CNVP has developed its internal capacities and the leadership was handed over to the existing  directors coming from North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. This major change in its management structure advanced the organization towards a more regional structure. Sharing the same organizational culture but more important having a good understanding of the local contexts, CNVP continues to pursue its core values, commitment, innovation and team work. 

Forests are our focus as one of the most important ecosystems for biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and local economic development. We will keep working together tackling challenges that both nature and people face in developing countries. Working together “to grow a canopy of trees providing home, shelter, food, a livelihood as well as a place to wander”. By promoting sustainable use of the natural resources we provide support to local communities and governments for creating a life in harmony with nature. Through our projects we contribute to a better South East Europe by working in the following six key areas:

  1. Sustainable natural resource management
  2. Climate change
  3. Rural development
  4. Renewable energy
  5. Community mobilisation
  6. European accession



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ODI 2021-2025 Budget Strengthening Initiative


Since the political chaos that followed the coups in 2012 and 2020, Mali has done much to modernize its institutions so that they become more efficient, transparent and inclusive both in terms of governance and the community service they offer. As part of this work, Mali has implemented the second generation institutional development program (PDI 2017-2027) and the third generation reform in the management of public finances (PREM 20172021). The latter constitutes the strategic framework for the proposed BSI support. Through its advisory experience, BSI is a natural choice of partner to help the Malian government develop important government financial governance reforms that are necessary to strengthen its government institutions. Through ODI, Sida has supported an initial effort and a bridging effort to help Mali develop its budget processes in 2019-2020. The project has reviewed priorities in terms of reforms and the need for technical support to the Malian government through small-scale support in the areas of government finances and financial management. In collaboration with Mali, ODI has developed a four-year initiative in which support is proposed in the following areas: 1. Budget transparency 1.1 Budget analysis and tools for budget transparency 2. Implementation of program budgeting 2.1 Strengthened governance dialogue within two sector ministries 2.2. Thematic budget analysis and reporting, including gender budgeting 2.3 Implementation of the Budget Engagement Plan 3. Accounting reforms and support to the Treasury 3.1 Cash handling 3.2 Accrued accounting 4. Fiscal decentralization and financial governance at the local level 4.1 New financing regimes for CTs 5. Mobilization of revenue to the Treasury 5.1 International taxation 5.2 Analysis of tax effects As a cross-cutting theme for these five areas of support, the BSI program will support the Malian government's efforts to digitize and use information technology to modernize public administration. During the initial phases of the effort, BSI has focused on engaging key government institutions given their interest in cooperating and their demand for long-term support from BSI. These institutions are: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEF-Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances) and the following institutions * Unit for Support for Government Financial Reforms (CARFIP-Cellule d'Appui à la Réforme des Finances Publiques) * Agency for Budget (DGB-Direction Générale du Budget) * The Tax Authority (DNTCP - National Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting) * The Tax Agency (DGI- Direction Générale des Impôts) * Unit for support for decentralization (CADD / MEE - Cellule d'appui à la decentralization et à la déconcentration) Ministry of Energy and Water (MEE- Ministry of Energy and Water) and the following institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) The Ministry of Agriculture and the following subordinate institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) Ministry of Decentralization and Land Administration (MDAT- Ministry of Decentralization and Territorial Administration) * The Authority for Territorial Societies (DGCT - Direction Générale des collectivités territoriales) The embassy believes that a long-term approach in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance as well as selected institutions is appropriate.


The overarching objective of the four-year project is to build capacities of the Malian government in strengthening budget comprehensiveness, establishing a credible state budget while striving for a fair, transparant and accountable distribution of public services to Malian citizens. 1.Support to budget transparency: Support area objective: The transparency of governmental action through the budget is strengthened allowing non-state actors to constructively engage with and hold the government accountable. 1.1 Workstream objective: The Direction Générale du Budget (DGB) is able to effectively communicate information on public finances to citizens increasing their awareness on budget and spending decisions. 2. Support to the implementation of programme budgeting: Support area objective: The efficiency of public spending in a resource-scarce environment is improved, optimising expenditure in line with national priorities. 2.1 Workstream objective: The two sector ministries (Ministère de l´Agriculture and Ministère de l´Energie et de l´Eau) apply a greater result and performance orientation in the implementation of their mandate achieving a more efficient and effective delivery of services to the population. 2.2 Workstream objective: The Government of Mali analyses the impact of its budget decisions on important cross-cutting issues, e.g. gender, enabling it to take appropriate policy measures to improve them. 2.3 Workstream objective: Government spending forecasts and comprehensiveness within and across service sectors is improved strengthening budget execution. 3.Support to treasury and accounting reforms: Support area objective: The Malian State has a more comprehensive and accurate view of its fiscal and financial position, strengthening good financial governance. 3.1 Workstream objective: The use of available resources is improved, and timely payments of public commitments are strengthened, safeguarding public investment budgets and reinforcing the efficiency of public spending in the budget execution process. 3.2 Workstream objective: The Direction Nationale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique (DNTCP) produces new and improved financial statements, providing a better understanding of the financial position and improving forecasting capacity. 4. Support to fiscal decentralisation and local public financial management: Support area objective: The public financial management (PFM) capacities, competences and resources available to Collectivités territoriales (CTs) are reinforced strengthening their ability to deliver services. 4.1 Workstream objective: The capacity of Collectivités territoriales (CTs) to manage their public finances in an effective and accountable manner is strengthened. 5. Support to domestic revenue mobilisation: Support area objective: The Government of Malis domestic revenue mobilisation is strengthened, gradually raising its tax-to-GDP ratio. 5.1 Workstream objective: The ability of the Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI) to effectively tax and audit multinational companies is reinforced, increasing domestic revenue from this taxpayer segment. 5.2 Workstream objective: The capacity of the Malian Government to conduct tax impact analysis is strengthened, informing sustainable policies for mobilising domestic revenue. Support the digitalization of public financial management processes: Cross-cutting objective: Public financial management processes relating to the support areas are automated using appropriate information technologies, strengthening the efficiency and accountability of public service delivery.

UN Women Uganda 2020-2023


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 UNW has requested support for the implementation of the UN Women Country Office Strategic Plan and Programme 2019-2022 in Uganda. The country programme is aligned with the UNDAF/UNSDCF in Uganda and the national development plan, national legislation and policies for gender equality, and the global UN Women strategy. It focuses on four thematic areas and four areas of organisational effectiveness and efficiency; 1: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems, 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy, 3: All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence, 4: Women and girls contribute and have a greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts, and from humanitarian action. • more effective and efficient UN system coordination and strategic partnerships on gender equality and women's empowerment, • Increased engagement of partners in support of UN Women's mandate, • High quality programmes through knowledge, innovation, results-based management and evaluation, • Enhanced organisational effectiveness, with a focus on robust capacity and efficiency at country and project level. Sida provides non-earmarked support to UNW for implementing the programme in Uganda during the period 2020-2023. Several donors are funding UNW's operations in Uganda, primarily with project support.


Programme Focus: Impact area 1: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems • 1.1: Women engage in political institutions and processes. • 1.2: National and Local Plans and budgets are gender responsive • 1.3: Policy and Financial Environment to track GEWE • 1.4: Gender statistics to monitor policies and reporting commitments under SDGs • 1.5: Gender statistics used by different players to inform advocacy, policies and programmes Impact area 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy • 2.1: Public and private procurement is gender responsive, • 2.2: Climate smart agricultural policies are gender responsive and womens land tenure security is increased. Impact area 3: All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence • 3.1: An enabling legislative and policy environment in line with international standards on EVAWG, Womens Access to Justice, and other forms of discrimination is in place and translated into action, • 3.2: Favorable social norms, attitudes and behaviors are promoted at community and individual levels to prevent VAWG and end child marriage, • 3.3: Increased use of available accessible and quality essential services by women and girls who experience violence. Impact area 4: Women and girls contribute and have a greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and from humanitarian action • 4.1: More commitments on women, peace and security are implemented by GoU and the UN, and more gender equality advocates influence peace and security processes, • 4.2: Women benefit from Humanitarian action in the context of refugee response. ORGANSATIONAL DEVELOPMenTS • More effective and efficient UN system coordination and strategic partnerships on gender equality and women's empowerment, • Increased engagement of partners in support of UN Women's mandate, • High quality programmes through knowledge, innovation, results-based management and evaluation, • Enhanced organisational effectiveness, with a focus on robust capacity and efficiency at country and project level.