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Africa Research Institute is an independent not-for-profit think-tank that was founded in February 2007. It is the only think-tank in the UK to focus exclusively on political, economic and social issues in sub-Saharan Africa. ARI strives to inform domestic and international policy making through publishing research and hosting interactive events. ARI’s mission is to draw attention to ideas or policies that have worked in Africa by highlighting and analysing best-practices in government, the economy and civil society.

The Cameroonian Network of Human Rights Organizations (RECODH) is a legalized associative network, made up of associations and collectives of associations working for the promotion and protection of human rights and governance. Its members and supporters, scattered throughout the national territory, work for a single goal: the culture of human rights in Cameroon.

RECODH was born from a recommendation of the National Governance Program of the Republic of Cameroon for the period 2006-2010 which, in its component “Improvement of the participation of citizens and civil society in the management of public affairs”, planned an axis “Strengthening the capacities of human rights NGOs”, with the main activity of creating a coordination network of human rights NGOs. This recommendation was then implemented by the Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (CNDHL) with the financial support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which in this regard had consulted various human rights organizations , thus leading to the convocation of the constituent assembly on January 6, 2010.

RECODH is therefore the result of the convergence of a triple desire: that of public authorities, civil society and technical and financial partners (PTF).

RECODH now enjoys special consultative status with the United Nations.

Likewise, at the national level, the NGO Accreditation Commission of September 30, 2022 gave a favorable opinion for the accreditation of RECODH to NGO status. The Minister of Territorial Administration confirmed this status by Order No. 000126/A/MINAT/SG/DAP/SDLP/SONG/BA of December 27, 2022.


Purpose of RECODH

The NGO RECODH aims to contribute to the culture of human rights and peace through the promotion and protection of citizens' freedoms, social cohesion and governance.


The mission of the NGO RECODH is to contribute to the emergence of a civil society resolutely committed to the promotion and protection of the well-being of citizens.


The NGO RECODH aims to serve as a framework for information, communication, reflection, orientation, exchanges, actions and mutual support between civil society organizations working in the field of promotion and the defense of Human Rights, for the culture of human rights in Cameroon.


The RECODH aims to:

Strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations working in the field of Human Rights;

Carry out joint advocacy and lobbying actions for the ratification and implementation of legal instruments in favor of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in national, regional and international instruments;

Inform, raise awareness and educate citizens on their rights and duties;

Ensure the protection and defense of defenders of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in national, regional and international instruments;

Support advocacy and actions to improve the conditions of vulnerable people such as women, young people, indigenous peoples, people in detention, people living with disabilities and people affected by pandemics and other illnesses degrading;

Contribute to improving the quality of life through initiatives to protect the environment and combat climate change;

Prepare general or thematic reports on the Human Rights situation in Cameroon;

Establish a citizen observatory for Human Rights in Cameroon;

Collaborate with public authorities, decentralized local authorities and national, regional and international organizations for the promotion and protection of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms in Cameroon.

Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa logo

ITOCA (Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa) is a capacity building organisation aimed at enhancing information and communications technology (ICT) skills for African librarians, information specialists, scientists, researchers and students in Sub-Saharan Africa.


The Oxpeckers Center for Investigative Environmental Journalism is Africa’s first journalistic investigation unit focusing on environmental issues. The Oxpeckers #MineAlert enables the  tracking and sharing of mining applications and licences and provides analytic reporting on mining and land related issues. The Center combines traditional investigative reporting with data analysis and geo-mapping tools to expose eco-offences and track organised criminal syndicates.

“Global change – local conflicts? Land conflicts in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa in the context of interdependent transformation processes” (GLOCON) is a Junior Research Group working on the correlation between global change and local conflicts over land. The research project explores how global spatial-temporal transformation processes affect local land conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Its focus lies furthermore on the analysis of systematic similarities and differences between those regions.

CNBC Africa logo

CNBC Africa is the Africa’s first and most powerful business media brand. Available through DSTV and multiple terrestrial networks across Africa, we reach decision makers, CEO’s, policymakers and entrepreneurs across the continent.

CNBC Africa has a number of bespoke product offerings online, on TV and through a series of events conducted through the year. Explore this section of the site in depth or contact us to speak to a rep.

The Network is known as Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa, with acronym FORNESSA. The Network is a non-profit, non-governmental scientific organisation open to   forestry and forest-related organisations and individuals.

Giga Logo

The GIGA Institute of African Affairs (IAA) has been researching political and economic developments on the continent since 1963, primarily focusing on the areas south of the Sahara. The thematic core of the institute’s research consists of institutional structures (such as political parties, electoral systems and constitutional courts), conflicts over resources and religious domination, foreign investment and its consequences, and African leading powers. By working with local partners, IAA researchers gain comprehensive knowledge of developments in the region.