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The Canadian Journal of Development Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bilingual forum for critical research and reflection on the complex problems of international development theory, policy and practice. The CJDS publishes articles and review essays, and the Journal aims to keep readers informed with occasional commentaries, practical notes and reviews of recent books and other media on international development. The CJDS is global in its outlook and encourages contributions from scholars and practitioners around the world.

African Studies is an international interdisciplinary journal which aims to publish high quality conceptual and empirical writing relevant to Africa. Significant disciplines include but are not limited to: anthropology, critical race, gender and sexuality studies, geography, history, literary, cultural and media studies, sociology, and politics.

AAEA logo

The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics.

Publié par l’association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement (APAD), Anthropologie & développement prend la suite du Bulletin de l’APAD. La revue promeut des recherches visant à une compréhension des interactions entre les dynamiques de changement social et les politiques et interventions de développement. Son champ porte tant sur l’action publique dans les pays “en développement” ou touchés par des crises humanitaires et politiques, que sur les politiques et pratiques des institutions d’aide.

Asia Pacific Viewpoint

Asia Pacific Viewpoint publishes academic research in geography and allied disciplines on the economic and social development of the Asia Pacific. Particular attention is paid to the interplay between development and the environment and to the growing interconnections between countries in the region. Coverage includes:

La Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA) es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, abierta a todos los profesionales del sector técnico, social y económico agrario. La Asociación no persigue fines lucrativos ni políticos, sino de interés social y técnico en el campo agrario.

The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ উন্নয়ন গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান (বিআইডিএস)) is an autonomous multi-disciplinary public research organization that conducts policy research on development issues for Bangladesh. Supported by the Government of Bangladesh, BIDS functions as a think tank, helping formulate socio-economic policies. The institute conducts research and promotes study and education in development economics, rural development, demographics and social sciences.

ECDPM is a leading independent think tank that wants to make policies in Europe and Africa work for inclusive and sustainable development.

We believe good policies are extremely powerful. They can tackle society’s biggest problems at the root, lay a foundation for change, and play a crucial part in making the global development agenda a reality for all. That is why we want to help institutions and governments across Europe and Africa create policies that work. 

Centre for Civil Society

Vision: CCS envisions a world where each individual leads a life of choice in personal, economic and political spheres and every institution is accountable.

Mission: Centre for Civil Society advances social change through public policy. Our work in education, livelihood, and policy training promotes choice and accountability across private and public sectors. To translate policy into practice, we engage with policy and opinion leaders through research, pilot projects and policy training.

CNVP (Connecting Natural Values and People) is a Dutch based organization operating in the Balkans. Being part of the forestry team within SNV a group of committed forestry engineers decided to establish CNVP in July, 2012. From its origins up to today this small team of enthusiastics has grown to 25 people from diversified backgrounds. Currently CNVP is implementing projects in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.


Quel est le rôle du Comité National du Code Rural ? Comment est-il structuré ?

Le Comité National du Code Rural (CNCR) est chargé de l’élaboration, de la vulgarisation et du suivi de l’application des principes d’orientation du Code Rural.

Le Comité National du Code Rural est structuré en organes :

  • Un bureau exécutif du Comité,
  • Un secrétariat permanent national,
  • Un comité consultatif