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Showing items 66790 through 66798 of 73567.The primary goal of this report is to provide evidence on the impact of CSA technology packages on smallholder farmers under the accelerator programme in in Zambia.
This info brief provides an executive overview of the research methods and key finding of a series of information briefs.
The present study was carried out at Dr.
The African Union Commission (AUC) hosted the Strategic Climate Investment Partnership roundtable from 19-20 June 2023 at the African Union (AU) Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government has recently convened a national conference on ‘Shaping Agriculture for Greater Impact’ to map the path forward in a renewed commitment towards agricultural transformation through resilient agriculture and food systems.
Gender equality is one of the ten core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.
â–ª The Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) is one of the world's most negatively impacted regions by climatic extremes and changes affecting millions, including farmers and livestock keepers.
More structured production, distribution, and trade are important in upgrading bean value chains for higher trade volumes, farmer incomes, and national revenue. A strategic intervention to achieve these goals efficiently and effectively involves the use of a commodity corridor approach.
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