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Showing items 66844 through 66852 of 73567.To fully benefit from new agricultural technologies like improved seed varieties, significant investment in complementary inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, and practices such as systematic planting, irrigation, and weeding are also required.
"Shamba Shape Up" is a popular television show in East Africa that focuses on agricultural education and improvement.
Smoke particulate matter emitted by fires in the Amazon Basin poses a threat to human health. Past research on this threat has mainly focused on the health impacts on countries as a whole or has relied on hospital admission data to quantify the health response.
"Shamba Shape Up" is a popular television show in East Africa that focuses on agricultural education and improvement.
The framework presented here integrates CGIAR and AICCRA experience in gender and socially-inclusive approaches to reach women, youth and under-represented groups, to develop a model for scaling up climate resilient agriculture that integrates equality and empowerment.
In this brief, we present AICCRA Zambia's scaling vision. Our scaling strategy employs a number of interconnected and mutually reinforcing channels.
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is a widely grown vegetatively propagated food crop in the Benin Republic. The taro leaf blight (TLB) epidemic in 2009, caused by Phytophthora colocasiae, has destroyed taro production and wiped out many taro landraces in West Africa.
This review of land tenure in West Asia and North Africa (WANA or the Near
East region) places contemporary developments in their historical context. Land
tenure in the region has its origins in state, customary or religious law, or more often a
Societal Impact Statement:
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