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Showing items 7849 through 7857 of 73534.The National Agricultural Policy of Myanmar is a sectoral policy with the following objectives:Promote a common understanding among stakeholders (e.g., government, development partners, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, and the private sector) on the desired outcome of s
The purpose of this Act is to protect lives and property of people from the danger of steep slope failures and to contribute to public welfare by prescribing matters concerning the designation and management of steep slopes at risk of collapse, the formulation and execution of necessary improveme
This Law amends Law No. 7665 on the Priority Tourism Development Zones by replacing throughout the text the words “Ministry of Tourism” with “Committee for Tourism Development”, and the words “Minister of Tourism” with “Chair of the Tourism Development Committee”.
La presente Resolución tiene por objeto establecer los criterios y lineamientos generales de la gestión socio-predial para todos aquellos proyectos a cargo del Fondo Adaptación que requieran la adquisición o afectación de predios para la ejecución de obras de mitigación de riesgo o de adaptación
These Regulations amend the Leases Restrictions Regulations 1977 by inserting new provisions in regulation 19 (added to the principal Regulations by the Leases Restrictions (Amendment) Regulations 2006) concerning grant of approval by the Tribunal to any lease or sublease or assignment of lease o
This Act converts the National Special Risks Insurance Association established in terms section 21 of the Companies Act, 2004 into a public company having a share capital, with shares held by the State.
La Réglementation Commune sur l'homologation des pesticides en zone CEMAC a pour but de mettre en commun les expériences et l'expertise des États membres pour l'évaluation et l'homologation des pesticides afin d'assurer leur utilisation rationnelle et judicieuse, ainsi que la protection de la san
Acting President, with a view of setting up integral system of provision of agricultural sector with mineral fertilizers, chemical and biological plant protection means, improvement of agricultural servicing and protection of agricultural crops against pests and diseases, decrees to set up Joint-
These provisions supplement Law No. 9948 of 2008 as regards the deadlines for the submission of examination requests. The new deadline is extended for six months as from the entry into force of this Law.
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