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Drylands - Arid areas (0.06 - 0.20 P/PET)
This indicator measures the total dryland area (in sq. km) that can be defined as arid, in a given country.
Measurement unit:
Drylands - Semiarid areas (0.21 - 0.50 P/PET)
This indicator measures the total dryland area (in sq. km) that can be defined as semiarid, in a given country.
Measurement unit:
Drylands - Subhumid areas (0.51 - 0.65 P/PET)
This indicator measures the total dryland area (in sq. km) that can be defined as subhumid, in a given country.
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Ease of Doing Business - Distance To Frontier
The distance to frontier score helps assess the absolute level of regulatory performance over time. It measures the distance of each economy to the “frontier,” which represents the best performance observed on each of the indicators across all economies in the Doing Business sample since 2005.
Measurement unit:
Ease of Doing Business - Ranking
Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business. A high ease of doing business ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.
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EEZ used for aquac. or holding facilities
Area of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that used for marine aquaculture facilities including supporting facilities.
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EEZ used for capture fisheries
Area of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that is used for catching aquatic animals or gathering aquatic plants in the wild.
Measurement unit:
Employees in Agriculture - Female (% of female employment)
Share (%) of female employees in agriculture with respect to the total of female employment.
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Employees in Agriculture - Male (% of male employment)
Share (%) of male employees in agriculture with respect to the total male employment
Measurement unit:
Employment in Agriculture (% Total Employment)
Employees are people who work for a public or private employer and receive remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece rates, or pay in kind.
Measurement unit:
Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements
This indicator is based on section 16.2 which provides that "States should be sensitive where proposed expropriations involve areas of particular cultural, religious or environmental significance, or where the land, fisheries and forests in question are particularly important to the livelihoods o
Measurement unit:
Equal access to property rights index (Quality of land administration index - Doing Business)
The equal access to property rights index has two components:
Measurement unit:
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
Waters beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, not extending beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, determined in accordance with part V of UNCLOS (1982).
Measurement unit:
Exemptions from property taxes payment are justified & clear
Exemptions from property taxes payment are justified & clear measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Expropriated land is used for private purposes
Expropriated land is used for private purposes measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Expropriation and Compensation Eligibility Indicators
VGGT 16.1 Expropriation and Compensation Eligibility Indicators placholder
Measurement unit: