Explore our collection of open land data from around the world using a range of different statistical indicators to access datasets and filter results. All the data can be downloaded freely for use offline.
Rural group rights recognition
Rural group rights recognition measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area)
Rural land area below 5m is the percentage of total land where the rural land elevation is 5 meters or less.
Measurement unit:
Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (Sq. Km)
Rural land area below 5m is the total rural land area in square kilometers where the elevation is 5 meters or less.
Measurement unit:
Rural land tenure rights (i) recognized and (ii) protected in practice
Rural land tenure rights (i) recognized and (ii) protected in practice measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Rural land use changes based on public input, burden sharing
Rural land use changes based on public input, burden sharing measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Rural land use changes implemented in a timely manner
Rural land use changes implemented in a timely manner measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Rural planning based on public input
Rural planning based on public input measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Rural Population
Rural population refers to the share (%) of people living in rural areas as defined by national statistical offices. It is calculated as the ratio between Urban Population and Total Population.
Measurement unit:
Rural population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population)
Rural population below 5m is the percentage of the total population, living in areas where the elevation is 5 meters or less.
Measurement unit:
Safeguards applied to prevent infringement on existing rights
Safeguards applied to prevent infringement on existing rights measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Schedule of fees for services is public
Schedule of fees for services is public measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Scope for forum shopping minimized
Scope for forum shopping minimized measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Searchability of the registry
Searchability of the registry measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
This indicator expresses the percentage of respondents feeling "secure". For the PRIndex nine-country pilot study, respondents’ perceptions of their tenure security were assessed using the following two questions:
Measurement unit:
This indicator expresses the percentage of respondents -- house owners only -- feeling "insecure" . For the PRIndex nine-country pilot study, respondents’ perceptions of their tenure security were assessed using the following two questions:
Measurement unit:
This indicator expresses the percentage of respondents -- house renters only -- feeling "secure". For the PRIndex nine-country pilot study, respondents’ perceptions of their tenure security were assessed using the following two questions:
Measurement unit: