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Displaying 73 - 84 of 613

Initial Market Assessment

augustus, 2015

Donors could assist in clarifying the
role, building the capacity, and potentially helping to
secure funding of key disaster risk management organizations
in Ghana. Engagement in Ghana to develop private sector
property catastrophe risk and agriculture insurance should
be seen as a medium term engagement. Banking penetration is
low, as is insurance and micro-insurance penetration, even
when compared to regional countries. That said, Ghana has

Burkina Faso

augustus, 2015

The rural sector, defined here as the
economic sector that falls under the scope of the Ministry
of Agriculture and Water (MAH), the Ministry of Animal
Resources (MRA), and the Ministry of the Environment and
Sustainable Development (MEDD), is one of the pillars of the
Burkina Faso economy. Although its contribution to GDP has
decreased in recent times from 35 percent in 1999 to 30
percent in 2011 due to the development of the other sectors

The World Bank Approach to Public Sector Management 2011-2020

augustus, 2015

Public sector management (PSM) reform is concerned with improving public sector results by changing
the way governments work. It is a challenging reform area in which to offer assistance. Sustainable institutional
change often requires that thousands of public agents alter their behavior, and political incentives may be at odds
with improving public sector performance. “What works” in PSM reform is highly context-dependent and
explicit evidence remains limited.
The Bank’s Approach to PSM for 2011-2020 emphasizes that public sector reform is a pragmatic

Georgia Public Expenditure Review

juli, 2015

Georgia has an impressive growth record
but social vulnerabilities persist. It remains a challenge
to tackle social vulnerabilities within a sustained
macroeconomic framework. This programmatic public
expenditure review (PER) assesses the alignment of selected
fiscal programs with the government’s social objectives.
Building on the analysis and recommendations of the 2014
PER, this PER analyzes the impact of recent reforms

Sources of Ethnic Inequality in Vietnam

juli, 2015

Vietnam's ethnic minorities, who tend to
live mostly in remote rural areas, typically have lower
living standards than the ethnic majority. How much is this
because of differences in economic characteristics (such as
education levels and land) rather than low returns to
characteristics? Is there a self-reinforcing culture of
poverty in the minority groups, reflecting patterns of past
discrimination? The authors find that differences in levels

Maximizing the World Bank Group’s Impact in the Middle East and North Africa

juni, 2015

This report provides an overview of the
World Bank Group’s engagement in the Middle East and North
Africa (MENA) region, highlighting the new operating model
of the World Bank Group. In particular, the report provides
insight on the key challenges and strategic engagement of
each sector (Global Practice) in MENA and details some of
the key cross-cutting challenges that countries face. This
report serves as a basis to convene international thought

Belén de Andamarka y la libre determinación

Reports & Research
juni, 2015

Belén de Andamarka titula su territorio de forma colectiva y cambia su estatus orgánico de ayllu a marka, apligando su derecho a la libre determinación y la gestión del territorio, para acceder a mayores recursos municipales. Su apuesta por la reconstitución territorial es la autonomía administrativa pues el Estado les impone su burocracia y centralismo.

The Local Economic Impacts of Resource Abundance

juni, 2015

What are the socioeconomic impacts of
resource abundance? Are these effects different at the
national and local levels? How could resource booms benefit
(or harm) local communities? This paper reviews a vast
literature examining these questions, with an emphasis on
empirical works. First, the evidence and theoretical
arguments behind the so-called resource curse, and other
impacts at the country level, are reviewed. This

Metropolitan Governance in Brazil

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
mei, 2015

In less than fifty years, Brazil evolved from a predominantly rural society and economy to a highly urbanized country in which 85 percent of its people now live in urban areas and more than 90 percent of the country’s GDP is generated in the cities. This rapid urbanization process was characterized by a lack of planning and an enduring framework of inequality, resulting in high degrees of concentrated poverty in the urban areas. Much of this urbanization has taken place in metropolitan regions (MRs).


mei, 2015

The Country Opinion Survey in Bolivia
assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better
understanding of how stakeholders in Bolivia perceive the
WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from
national and local governments, multilateral/bilateral
agencies, media, academia, the private sector, and civil
society in Bolivia on 1) their views regarding the general
environment in Bolivia; 2) their overall attitudes toward

Results in the Latin America and Caribbean Region 2015, Volume 5

mei, 2015

In the past decade, Latin America and
the Caribbean has achieved impressive social and economic
successes. For the first time in history, more people are in
the middle class than in poverty. Inequality, although still
high, declined markedly. Growth, jobs and effective social
programs have transformed the lives of millions. In a
striking departure from the crisis-prone Latin America of
the past, the region has shown it is better prepared to

¿Minería versus Agricultura?

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2015

Continúa la convulsión en el valle del Tambo, en la región de Arequipa, departamento del sur del Perú, donde los agricultores iniciaron un paro hace casi dos meses, protestando contra el proyecto minero Tía María, de la empresa Southern Perú Copper Corporation. El gobierno envió a la zona más de dos millares de policías y un contingente de militares. En el distrito de Cocachacra, hubo fuertes enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y policías con un saldo de tres muertos (dos pobladores y un policía) y centenares de heridos, hasta la fecha.