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El blanqueo ecológico en la Amazonía

Reports & Research
juni, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Este informe examina cómo las políticas de gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales (ESRM, por sus siglas en inglés) de los principales bancos que financian la extracción de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía no abordan plenamente los impactos adversos de su financiamiento en las personas y la naturaleza. Durante los últimos 20 años, solamente seis bancos: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, Bank of America y HSBC son responsables de casi la mitad (46%) de todo el financiamiento directo para las operaciones de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía.

Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2024
South-Eastern Asia

The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and rights over forest areas in the region. More than 70 million people in the region depend on forest areas but lack formal legal rights to use, manage, and benefit from them. Forest landscapes represent just under half of the region’s total land. Yet, over the past two decades, the region has lost a significant amount of forest due to the expansion of commercial agriculture.

Guidance for national and local governments

Peer-reviewed publication
Reports & Research
maart, 2024

Countries face severe local and global climate risks with grave social, economic, and environmental costs. Given a significant portion of global emissions are a result of agriculture, forestry, and other land-based investments, governments can mitigate climate risks by ensuring these investments contribute to, rather than undermine, national and global climate goals.

Exploitation Minière et Foncier Agricole

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2023

Le Code minier du Mali dispose que les ressources souterraines appartiennent à l’État, même s’il s’agit de terres agricoles. Cette disposition consacre le droit souverain de l’État sur les ressources du sous-sol, qui en organise l’accès et l’exploitation. Les autorités doivent largement partager le contenu de cette disposition avec les communautés locales lors du processus d’attribution de titres miniers. L’État doit également faire respecter le mécanisme de surveillance et de contrôle du cahier des charges à cet effet.

Mise à l’échelle des résultats LAND-at-scale Mali

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2023

LAND-at-scale est une contribution à la protection des droits fonciers coutumiers des communautés et à la consolidation des acquis majeurs de la gouvernance foncière au Mali. Les cadres multi-acteurs à différents niveaux sont des espaces d’apprentissage et de partage d’expériences à promouvoir pour la gestion durable et apaisée du foncier agricole, gage de paix et de cohésion sociale, qui passe par la responsabilisation des communautés locales.

The African People's Climate and Development Declaration 2023

Reports & Research
november, 2023


Photo by UNDP Guinea,Forested Guinea is one of the most vulnerable regions in West Africa to climate change , (CC BY-ND 2.0 DEED)

From the 3rd to 6th September, 2023, we the people of the great lands across Africa, including people from social movements and civil society, trade unions, women, indigenous peoples, young people, men, people living with disabilities, media organisations, faith-based groups and many others, gathered in Nairobi, Kenya and committed to this declaration on African climate and development priorities and demands.

Putting land rights in the climate change narrative: Voices from the ground

Reports & Research
november, 2023

Climate change affects everyone. Yet it hits the poor hardest, especially women and children, and those without rights to land.

Landlessness and the lack of secure land tenure amplify the vulnerability of rural poor communities to the impacts of climate change. Yet, the challenges surrounding their lack of land access and insecure tenure rights are often overlooked in climate change discussions, policy-making, and program implementation.

Compromiso de tenencia forestal de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

Este segundo informe anual del Grupo de Financiadores de laTenencia Forestal (FTFG) analiza el progreso en relación con el compromiso de cinco años y 1.700 millones de dólares para los derechos de tenencia y la tutela forestal de los Pueblos Indígenas y las comunidades locales (PI y CL) en países tropicales forestales anunciado en la COP26.