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A Community Guide to the Asian Development Bank: How to Use ADB Safeguard Policies to Protect Your Human Rights

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2017

This guide provides a simple yet complete resource to help communities to understand the Asian Development Bank’s policies and use them for justice. While it focuses on the ADB, it also contains information that is useful for any campaign against destructive development—even if the ADB is not involved. The guide contains different kinds of information, including:

• Information about human rights and rights-based development

• Information about the Asian Development Bank and its safeguard policies

• Learning activities for community workshops

Lineamientos para la Ejecución de Procesos Operativos de Control de Calidad en los Expedientes de Formalización de Predios Rústicos

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2017
South America


El Oficio Nº 0722-2017-MINAGRI-DVPA/DIGESPACR, de la Dirección General de Saneamiento  de la Propiedad Agraria y Catastro Rural, sobre aprobación de “Lineamientos para la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expedientes de formalización de predios rústicos"


Para más información sobre el proyecto: Land Titles for Indigenous Communities in Peru | Land Portal.

Panorama de los ejidos y comunidades agrarias en México

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Los ejidos y comunidades agrarias son la forma de tenencia de la tierra que abarca mayor superficie en el campo mexicano; ellos ofertan una importante producción agropecuaria y en sus suelos están la mayor parte de los montes, áreas forestales, manglares, costas, agua, minas y diversos atractivos naturales; sin embargo, poco se conocen sus características generales, por lo que este artículo presenta los rasgos principales de estas formas de propiedad del suelo y un panorama amplio de su situación actual (basado fundamentalmente en el análisis del último censo ejidal).

Land Policy Report. Policy Trends and Emerging Opportunities for Strengthening Community Land Rights in Africa

Reports & Research
november, 2017

Identifies the drivers of the land use changes that have displaced millions of rural people and continue to threaten millions more – particularly women; it unpacks the key land policy guidelines and why they have so far failed to ‘stick’ on the ground, and it sets out 14 actions to get to grips with the problem and push forward community land rights across Africa.


Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2017

Memoria del Conversatorio Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica. Necesidades de visibilización, realizado en el marco del IV Encuentro Internacional del Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y Territorio.

Water Rights on Community Lands: LandMark’s Findings from 100 Countries

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper analyzes whether national laws acknowledge indigenous peoples and other rural communities in 100 countries as owners of waters that arise within their lands. Results derive from information collected by LandMark to score the legal status of community land tenure. Findings are positive; half of all countries recognize communities as lawful possessors of water on their lands. Three quarters permit communities to manage the distribution and use of water on their lands.

Community Land Conflicts: How Local Land Disputes Affect Private Sector Investments and Development Projects

Reports & Research
oktober, 2017

This report provides information on due diligence and effective conflict management through consultation in the context of community land conflicts. It identifies some key steps to follow to integrate community land conflict into enhanced project risk assessments.

Recognizing and Supporting Territories and Areas Conserved by Indigenous and Local Communities

Reports & Research
oktober, 2017

This publication is based on a range of past studies on ICCAs conducted in several regions of the world in the last two decades, and, most recently, on 19 country level case studies. The latter were commissioned as part of a project on ICCA Recognition and Support, undertaken by the ICCA Consortium, coordinated by Kalpavriksh.

It also incorporates some key findings of a parallel project on ICCA Legislation, also undertaken by the ICCA Consortium, and coordinated by Natural Justice.

The publication intends to: