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Displaying 1993 - 2004 of 3659

Law on the Payment for Land.

Central Asia

This Law makes provision for the payment of the use of land in the form of land tax and lease fees. The rates of land tax are established in article 2. Land tax shall be established on cadastrial documentation and be imposed on land users who are manufacturing agricultural products. Payment shall also be made for land not used for agriculture. Categories of users specified in article 9 are exempted fromthe payment of land tax. They include "dehkan", private farms during three years or one year depending upon the type of land.

Ownership Act.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down various basic principles of ownership including joint ownership and condominium ownership, and real rights on another's property, and defines some other legal notions such as possession of property and holding of property. The status of all state- and municipally-owned objects shall be determined by way of separate acts. The transfer of the right of ownership or the creation of another real right over immovable property which is state- or municipally-owned shall be done in writing. The notarial form shall not be required.

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on effectuation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Central Asia

Land legislation shall be based on the principles set out in article 3. In accordance with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, land may be the state, communal, private or other forms of ownership (art. 4). Article 4 also defines state lands and communal ownership. Article 5 concerns rights of foreigners to use land. Transactions with rights to a land plot shall be subject to state registration and shall not require notarization, except for the cases provided by law (art. 9). Article 10 defines the Land Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Regional Law No. 56-RZ “On state support of agricultural land fertility”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of state support of agricultural land fertility. Owners and tenants of agricultural land parcels shall have the right: (a) to carry out agrotechnical, agrochemical, land reclamation and antierosion conservancy arrangements for land improvement; and (b) to obtain from state bodies information related to the state of soil fertility.

Ancient Monuments and Antiquities Act (Cap. 330).

Central America

This Act makes provision with respect to the protection and conservation of ancient monuments and related matters such as the acquisition of land by the Government for purposes of this Act. All ancient monuments and antiquities, whether upon any land or in any river, stream or watercourse, or under territorial waters of the country, shall vest in the Government and no person shall possess or have in custody any ancient monument or antiquity except under a licence granted by the Minister in the prescribed form.

Regional Law No. 1736 “Land Code”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes purposeful use of land and lays down legal grounds for land tenure and land management for specific purposes. It classifies land into the following categories: (a) agricultural land; (b) urban land; (c) industry, energy, communication land; (d) protected areas; (e) land of forest fund; (f) land of waterbodies; and (g) reserve land. Land ownership right shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Regional land can pertain to private, public, municipal and other types of ownership. Agricultural land shall be subject to natural-agricultural zoning.

Ley Nº 26 - Ley de Tierras de Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico

La presente Ley de Tierras de Puerto Rico tiene por objetivo último fomentar el bienestar de los habitantes de Puerto Rico a través de la estabilidad económica, justicia social y libertad económica de agricultores, trabajadores y habitantes en general en la zona rural del país, proveyendo una mejor distribución de la riqueza agrícola. En este contexto la Ley establece la Autoridad de Tierras de Puerto Rico y define sus funciones, facultades, deberes y obligaciones.

Regional Law No. 625 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates legal regime, the modalities of allotment, turnover of agricultural land, including land shares in common property, and is aimed at the prevention of reduction of agricultural land area as a result of transfer thereof to other categories of land, degradation or decrease of soil fertility, and establishes terms and conditions for transfer of agricultural land to the producers of agricultural commodities ensuring the most efficient use of agricultural land.

Ley de derechos de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca.

Central America

En esta Ley se reconocen los derechos de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca. Sus disposiciones constituyen prerrogativas mínimas para la existencia, pervivencia, dignidad y bienestar de dichos pueblos y comunidades indígenas. Se establece, entre otros derechos civiles y sociales, que los pueblos y comunidades indígenas tendrán acceso a los recursos naturales de sus tierras y territorios indígenas.

Ley de copropiedades rurales.

Central America

Esta Ley tiene por objeto: a) regular la disolución de las copropiedades rurales existentes en el Estado de Nuevo León, b) señalar la extensión máxima de terreno de la que puede ser titular un individuo o sociedad, y c) establecer el procedimiento para fraccionar los excedentes, crear los fundos legales dentro de las mismas copropiedades rurales y constituir el patrimonio familiar de sus habitantes.

Ley de regularización de predios rurales del Estado de Sinaloa.

Central America

La presente Ley establece las normas, supuestos y procedimientos a que deberá sujetarse la regularización de la propiedad de predios rurales dedicados a las actividades agrícolas, silvícolas, ganaderas o cualquier otra. La Ley declara como lícitas aquellas construcciones dedicadas a casa-habitación y demás construcciones que se encuentren en los predios rurales, cuya posesión sea ejercida por personas físicas en concepto de propietario, por más de cinco años, en forma pacífica, continua, pública y de buena fe.

Ley de Catastro para el Estado de Querétaro.

Central America

La presente Ley de Catastro regula el inventario, registro y la valuación de los bienes inmuebles ubicados en el territorio del Estado de Querétaro. En particular se establecen disposiciones relativas a la integración, organización y funcionamiento del Catastro; la forma, términos y procedimientos a que se sujetarán los trabajos catastrales; y las obligaciones que en materia de catastro tienen los propietarios o poseedores de bienes inmuebles.