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Memoria. Ciclo de Conversatorios. Comunidades: Nuevas Estrategias para Viejos Desafíos

Conference Papers & Reports
augustus, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur

Recién con la Constitución de 1920 las comunidades lograron su reconocimiento por el Estado peruano, iniciándose la protección de sus tierras para frenar el apetito de los hacendados criollos, régimen que cambió drásticamente en 1993. Pero la seguridad sobre las tierras comunales siguió, y sigue siendo aún un compromiso que nuestro Estado no ha honrado. Por el contrario, el saneamiento de las tierras comunales es un tema pendiente, que mantiene a las comunidades campesinas y nativas en condición de desventaja frente a inversionistas privados, proyectos estatales e incluso de invasores.

Land Matrix Analytical Report III: Taking stock of the global land rush

augustus, 2021

A recent study of two Senegalese villages showed how training women on land access is helping them claim their land rights. But disparities in results between locations and the use of customary practices as the preferred way of accessing land highlighted that civil society organisationsstrategies and approaches need to reflect local realities and ensure women from different groups and geographies also benefit.

Informe Analítico III 2021: Balance de la carrera mundial por la tierra

augustus, 2021

Más de 10 años después de la oleada de grandes transacciones de tierras (las GTT) en países en desarrollo y que siguió al aumento, de finales de la década del 2000, en los precios de las materias primas agrícolas, la Iniciativa Land Matrix hace balance de la “carrera mundial por la tierra”, y de sus repercusiones ambientales y socioeconómicas. A partir de la base de datos Land Matrix y de una revisión bibliográfica para analizar y comprender mejor los amplios efectos de las GTT, nuestras conclusiones son aleccionadoras y, en parte, alarmantes.

Lifting a Curse

augustus, 2021

Companies in the business of selling farmland to billionaires and pension funds are peddling it as a green;sustainable and socially responsible investment. This propaganda is working. The digital land records and massive quantities of data that big tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon are vacuuming up from farmersfields make it easier for the companies to scour the planet for profitable farmland deals. They can also use satellite technologies and drones to monitor their farms from a distance. But the world’s farmland is finite.

Uganda government ignores its directive on COVID evictions;evicts thousands of smallholder farmers;artisanal miners

augustus, 2021

Describes how community-level dialogues uprooted harmful gender norms that hinder women’s rights to land. Showed that shifting harmful gender norms at the community level is crucial in supporting women to access land rights. Customary leaders like indunas and village headpersons are a key entry point for that shift. Change can be slow. But spaces for dialogue;critical reflection and support for action-planning enabled the indunas to not only change their own beliefs;but also begin to see their role and their communities in a different light.

Zambia’s chiefs champion gender equality in land and natural resource governance

augustus, 2021

With the pandemic striking higher in Uganda;poor families continue to be forced off their land by their government and investors despite several directives halting evictions during the COVID period. Cites a number of examples. In the latest looming evictions;the Uganda government is evicting more than 35,000 artisanal miners in the Kisita mines in Kassanda district.

Rapport : État de la reconnaissance juridique des droits des peuples autochtones, des communautés locales et des peuples afro-descendants sur le carbone stocké dans les terres et forêts tropicales

Reports & Research
juli, 2021

Cette étude examine l’état de la reconnaissance juridique des droits des peuples autochtones, des communautés locales et des peuples afro-descendants sur le carbone présent sur leurs terres et territoires dans 31 pays d’Afrique, d’Asie et d’Amérique latine.