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Public–private partnership generates economic benefits to smallholder bean growers in Uganda

december, 2022

The quest to transform and hasten the role of smallholder farms in agricultural development and food security through farmer firm linkages has dominated development interventions in low-income countries for several decades. This has mostly been pursued through single- or multi-contract schemes implemented in isolation. Several studies have analyzed the efects of these schemes on smallholder farms with mixed results. A new paradigm is to use Agricultural Public Private Partnership (Ag-PPP) to achieve wider and sustainable impacts.

Pacific food systems The role of fish and other aquatic foods for nutrition and health

december, 2022

This report is intended for actors, policymakers and funders concerned with improving food and nutrition
security with fisheries as an entry point. It is equally valuable for food system, agricultural, health and
nutrition actors who are seeking to protect and enhance the benefits that fish and other aquatic foods
provide to a diversity of nutrition goals.
This report has been developed from an extensive review of published scientific articles and technical

Heat-tolerant maize for rainfed hot, dry environments in the lowland tropics: from breeding to improved seed delivery

december, 2022

Climate change-induced heat stress combines two challenges: high day- and nighttime temperatures, and physiological water deficit due to demand-side drought caused by increase in vapor-pressure deficit. It is one of the major factors in low productivity of maize in rainfed stress-prone environments in South Asia, affecting a large population of smallholder farmers who depend on maize for their sustenance and livelihoods.

Changing dynamics in the spread and management of banana Xanthomonas wilt disease in Uganda over two decades

december, 2022

Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is a destructive disease caused by Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum (Xvm) bacterium that indiscriminately infects all banana varieties grown in East and Central Africa (ECA). In this region, BXW was first reported in 2001 in Uganda and was projected to eliminate >90% of Uganda’s bananas worth US$4 billion if not controlled in less than 10 years. Lack of basic information led to application of control approaches that were based on similarity of BXW symptoms to those of Moko disease of bananas.

Big data, small explanatory and predictive power: Lessons from random forest modeling of on-farm yield variability and implications for data-driven agronomy

december, 2022

Collection and analysis of large volumes of on-farm production data are widely seen as key to understanding yield variability among farmers and improving resource-use efficiency.
The aim of this study was to assess the performance of statistical and machine learning methods to explain and predict crop yield across thousands of farmers’ fields in contrasting farming systems worldwide.

Stakeholder Analysis: Prospects for Effective and Sustainable Implementation of Innovation Packages, Achieving Initiative's Immediate Results and Outcomes in Mali

december, 2022

This report aims to provide a structured analysis of a stakeholder assessment related to
sustainable animal productivity for livelihoods, nutrition, and Gender Inclusion in Mali. This
analysis is part of the CGIAR initiative SAPLING, with the primary goal of understanding and
identifying the role of various stakeholders, their potential contributions, and avenues for
collaboration to ensure the successful implementation of SAPLING’s innovation packages
(IP) and the desired outcomes of the initiative. This work aims at: i) Identifying wich relevant

Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension Curriculum Validation and Training of Trainers Workshop in Kenya

december, 2022

Climate change and year-to-year climate variability have resulted in widespread, pervasive impacts to ecosystems and people in Africa, including increases in the intensity of weather extremes such as droughts and floods. While these shifting and varying temperature and precipitation patterns have affected the productivity of many climate-sensitive sectors, the agricultural sector has been the most impacted, resulting in reduced food availability and increased food prices, ultimately jeopardising food security, nutrition, and livelihoods of millions of people.

The enviro-champs: establishing a framework for a technologically upgraded environmental monitoring network at community scale

december, 2022

The Enviro-Champs initiative was developed as a community driven, citizen science initiative in Mpophomeni township in Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), South Africa. Over time, the scope of work done and data collected by the Enviro-Champs has expanded. There is now recognition both locally and globally that the Enviro-Champs initiative shows great promise for national and global upscaling. However, several areas within the initiative remain where it could be improved, especially technologically.

Tailored forecasts can predict extreme climate informing proactive interventions in East Africa

december, 2022

Abstract This commentary discusses new advances in the predictability of east African rains and highlights the potential for improved early warning systems (EWS), humanitarian relief efforts, and agricultural decision‐making. Following an unprecedented sequence of five droughts, 23 million east Africans faced starvation in 2022, requiring >$2 billion in aid. Here, we update climate attribution studies showing that these droughts resulted from an interaction of climate change and La Niña.

Can young agripreneurs improve their skills through agripreneurship empowerment programmes? Evidence from Africa

december, 2022

This article examined the driving forces behind young agripreneurs’ participation in agripreneurship empowerment programmes and estimates the causal impact of programme participation
on agripreneurship skills using data from a random cross-section sample of 1435 young agripreneurs in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. Specifically, the study took evidence from the youth
component of the African Development Bank Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) programme, Empowering Novel Agribusiness-Led Employment (ENABLE). An

Multi-location trials identify stable high yielding spring bread and durum wheat cultivars in Mexico

december, 2022

Determining the stability and consistency of grain yield performance requires accurate evaluation of genotypes in different environments. In Mexico, annual national spring wheat irrigated trials are conducted to assess elite bread and durum wheat performance in different testing environments (TEs) in the main wheat-growing areas. These trials provide data supporting release of new cultivars and aim to also address Mexican wheat value chain grain needs.

Lump-sum transfers for agriculture, support services, and household decision making

december, 2022

We study the impact of one-season transfers framed for agricultural investment combined with agricultural support services on decision making among smallholder households in Senegal and Malawi using data from randomized control trials. In Senegal, we find evidence that the program increased the decision power of male household heads at the expense of other males in the household after two years. We cannot disentangle the impacts of the farm planning program and the lump sum transfer that comprised that program.