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National Agriculture Policy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

This National Agriculture Policy (NAP) states as its general objective to develop an efficient, competitive and profitable agricultural industry that contributes to the improvement of the livelihoods of Tanzanians and attainment of broad based economic growth and poverty alleviation. The NAP is a result of macro, regional and global economic changes that have bearing on the development of the agricultural sector. These changes are reflected in the national policy framework which reflects the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (Zim Asset).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (Zim Asset) is a national development plan for the years 3013-2018 to achieve sustainable development and social equity anchored on indigenization, empowerment and employment creation. It is built around four strategic clusters: food security and nutrition; social services and poverty eradication; infrastructure and utilities; and value addition and beneficiation.

National Agricultural Policy

National Policies
Eastern Africa

This National Agricultural Policy shall contribute to the attainment of national food security, poverty reduction and national economic development objectives as outlined in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS).

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Humano 2012-2016.

National Policies
Central America

El presente documento establece a nivel nacional el plan de desarrollo humano, que contempla líneas de acción y medidas para erradicar la pobreza, garantizar el respeto de los derechos de las personas a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (alimento, vivienda, salud, educación y seguridad) y conseguir una vida digna para todos los nicaragüenses. El Plan es de carácter intersectorial y abarca el período comprendido entre el 2012 y el 2016.

Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program is a cross-sectoral national program of Ethiopia covering the period of 2002-2005. Its main objective is to reduce poverty and at the same time maintain macroeconomic stability.With regard to food security, the strategy’s overall objective is to ensure food security at the household level, while the rural development policies and strategies would focus on ensuring national food self-sufficiency.

The Agenda for Prosperity - Road to Middle Income Status - Third Generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2013 – 2018).

National Policies
Sierra Leone
Western Africa

The Third Generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper is a cross-sectoral national strategic document of Sierra Leone in force during 2013-2018. Its main objective is to achieve a robust and consistent level of high economic growth and to maintain significant progress on governance indicators together with sustained improvements in human development indicators for its citizens.The Paper provides for various measures in order to increase the production of staple food crops for food security. These measures mainly concentrate on agricultural development and are summarized below.

Plan d’Action National Genre et Développement 2004-2008.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Dans le cadre de mettre en œuvre la plate-forme d’action de Beijing singée lors de la quatrième Conférence Mondiale sur les Femmes en 1995, le Gouvernement Malgache a élaboré un Plan d’Action National Genre et Développement (PANAGED) qui reconnait la nécessité de promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes, en tant que moyen efficace de combattre la pauvreté, la faim et la maladie et de promouvoir un développement réellement durable.

Plan del Sector Desarrollo Agropecuario: Revolución Rural y Agraria 2010-2020.

National Policies
South America

El Plan del Sector Desarrollo Agropecuario - Revolución Rural y Agraria 2010-2020 ha sido formulado por el Gobierno de Bolivia en el 2010 y contiene ejes estratégicos sectoriales para el desarrollo del sector que serán implementados a través de programas priorizados a partir del año 2010 hasta el 2020 en las áreas de apoyo a la producción agropecuaria, el tratamiento de la temática tierra, recursos forestales y el desarrollo de la coca y su industrialización.

Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural (ENDAR).

National Policies
South America

La Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural es una política nacional sectorial para el desarrollo agropecuario y rural en Bolivia. El objetivo principal de la Estrategia es contribuir a incrementar el ingreso y empleo de los productores agropecuarios y rurales, dotándoles de conocimientos y medios para insertarse de manera sostenida y competitiva en los mercados, en un marco de inclusión, equidad social, cultural y de género. Las acciones propuestas apuntan a lograr un conjunto de metas hasta el 2007 y el 2015.

Land Rights Policy.

National Policies
Western Africa

The Land Rights Policy is a national sectoral policy that provides the Land Commission’s policy recommendations for land rights in Liberia, centred on four basic types of rights: public land, Government land, customary land, and private land. In addition, a Protected Area is defined as a land which may fall under the Government Land, customary land, or private land categories, but which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. The Policy will form the basis of a new land rights law, and will require substantial changes to the existing legal framework.