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Physical Planning Ordinance (Cap. 9.02).

Turks and Caicos Islands

This Ordinance establishes the Physical Planning Board and provides rules relative to (control on) planning and development. Other administrative bodies for purposes of this Act are the Minister and the Director of Planning. The Director may, and if so required by the Governor shall, submit to the Minister proposals for the preparation of a development plan. There shall be various types of development permission, including a permission to subdivide land.

Ley sobre disolución de latifundios y protección a la industria ganadera.

Central America

La presente Ley declara de utilidad pública en el Estado de Coahuila el fraccionamiento de los latifundios y el fomento o desarrollo de la industria ganadera. En este sentido la Ley prohíbe en el Estado de Coahuila el dominio de latifundios en manos de una sola persona física o jurídica (entendiéndose por latifundio toda propiedad territorial que exceda de cincuenta mil hectáreas destinadas a la explotación de la ganadería

Loi nº 34-94 relative à la limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour promulgué par le dahir nº 1-95-152 du 11 août 1995.

Northern Africa

Cette loi porte limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour délimités. Dans les périmètres d'irrigation, la superficie minimum d'exploitation est fixée à 5 hectares; à l'extérieur elle doit être suffisante pour dégager un revenu permettant de rémunérer deux travailleurs agricoles. Font exception les morcellements pour la création ou l'extension d'entreprises non agricoles et en cas d'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique.

Registration of Condominium Titles Act (No. 8 of 1973).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act provides for land to be divided into condominium lots and for the registration of a condominium plan, the establishment of a corporation for purposes of administration of the common property, easements in relation with condominium, by-laws applying to condominium lots and common property and other matters relating to the administration of the common property and condominium lots.Land may be subdivided into condominium lots in accordance with a condominium plan, the contents of which are prescribed by this Act.

Partition Act (No. 15 of 1895).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act sets out the conditions and procedures for the partition of land held by more than one tenant, i.e. joint tenants and tenants in common.Any person entitled to claim partition may apply to Court for partition, which shall, after issue of an order of partition by Court, take place in the matter as specified by this Act. The Court may also direct the sale of the property if it thinks to be more beneficial to the parties involved to distribute proceeds of the sale among them instead of carrying out the partition.

Partition Act (Cap. 54:09).


This Act sets out the conditions and procedures for the partition of land held by more than one tenant, i.e. joint tenants and tenants in common.Any person entitled to claim partition may apply to Court for partition, which shall, after issue of an order of partition by Court, take place in the matter as specified by this Act. The Court may also direct the sale of the property if it thinks this to be more beneficial to the parties involved to distribute proceeds of the sale among them instead of carrying out the partition.

Act No. 3/91 concerning public land.

Sao Tome and Principe
Middle Africa

This Act is divided into 7 Chapters and 48 articles: State lands (Chap. I); Reserves (II); Private lands owned by the State (III); Rights and obligations regime on lands (IV); Transfer procedures (V); Registries of rights and obligations (VI); Final provisions (VII). This Act defines State lands as: (a) the lands of river beds and marine waters; (b) underwater shelves; (c) any kind of island; (d) land reserved for strategic purposes; (e) private and public road lands; (f) airports (art. 1).

Decreto Legislativo Nº 895 - Ley especial para la afectación y destino de las tierras rústicas excedentes de las 245 hectáreas.

El Salvador
Central America

La Ley consta de 26 artículos. En el artículo 1º se declara expropiado por ministerio de ley el excedente del límite de 245 hectáreas de tierra rústica, establecido por el artículo 105 de la Constitución, que por causa imputable a sus propietarios o poseedores no fue transferido en el plazo establecido por la Ley; quedan exceptuadas las tierras que pertenezcan a asociaciones cooperativas y comunales campesinas. El dominio de las tierras expropiadas pasa al Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria (ISTA) (art. 2º).

Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1994 on the division of lands destined for development and construction.

Western Asia

This Legislative Decree aims at land and environmental planning. The present Decree is composed of 20 articles. Article 1 deals with terms and definitions. Article 2 specifies the scope of this Decree. Article 3 defines requirements and conditions for the division of land. Article 4 decrees that the division of land or amendment of division should be adopted by the Ministry of Housing in accordance with provisions of this Decree and of its Implementing Regulations. Requirements and conditions for the division and planning of land shall be provided for in the Implementing Regulations (art.

Law No. 8047 on the administration of refused agricultural lands.

Southern Europe

This Law defines the legal regime of refused agricultural lands (lands which are not accepted into use or ownership by farmers). Refused lands are considered as State agricultural lands. They are transferred to the administration of the General Directorate of Forests and Pastures. The latter, through its regional directorates and in collaboration with the land distribution commissions, determines the areas of refused lands based on the data given by the municipalities and communes and certified by the immovable property offices.