Forestland: its dynamics, disorganised uses and planning in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Uitleg over de oorsprong en betekenis van het gegrip 'community forestry', en een inventarisatie van de verschillende vormen van community forestry die in Nederland voorkomen en de motieven voor deelname aan community forestry activiteiten.
El Plan Forestal Español es un instrumento estratégico de alcance nacional cuyo objeto es estructurar las acciones necesarias para el desarrollo de una política forestal española basada en los siguientes principios: a) desarrollo sostenible (mediante la ordenación de los montes y el impulso de la selvicultura, según directrices que recojan los criterios e indicadores paneuropeos para la gestión
Desertification occurs in drylands,which span a third of the earth ’s land surface in over 110 countries.It influences the lives of about 500 000 people – the so-called environmental refugees –including many of the world ’s poorest and most marginalized populations. Each year 12 million hectares (ha)are lost to deserts.That is enough land to grow 20 million tonnes of grain.
For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate.
It is widely believed that land tenure insecurity under a customary tenure system leads to a socially inefficient resource allocation. This article demonstrates that the practice of granting secure individual ownership to tree planters spurs earlier tree planting, which is inefficient from the private point of view but could be efficient from the viewpoint of the global environment.
La Politique forestière Malagasy s’articule autour des quatre grandes orientations suivantes: enrayer les processus de dégradation forestière (Orientation 1); mieux gérer les ressources forestières (Orientation 2); augmenter la superficie et le potentiel forestiers (Orientation 3); et accroitre la performance économique du secteur forestier (Orientation 4).
Verslag van de conferentie 'Community Forestry - a change for the better' (7-9 december 1999, Londen). De nadruk lag op de sociale aspecten van community forestry: gezondheid, verbondenheid met het bos, samenwerking, rol van de overheid.
Hoe behoud je structuurvariatie en menging door kleinschalige ingrepen en natuurlijke verjonging in een oud en zeer gevarieerd bos. Verschillende soorten opstanden in het Zeisterbosch werden bezocht en bediscussieerd
The recently released report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya has sparked varying reactions from Kenyans of all walks of life.