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Laos’ hydropower development and cross-border power trade in the Lower Mekong Basin: a discourse analysis

december, 2019

Increasing demands for energy to boost the Mekong economies have attracted the keen interest of riparian countries for hydropower development. This is evidenced by extensive investment in hydropower projects across the region over the last few decades.

September 2020 Newsletter

december, 2019
Sri Lanka

Five years ago, the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by 193 countries. They set out an ambitious plan to eradicate global poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030 ensuring that "no one is left behind". Work to deliver on that commitment has reaped some rewards, such as improving maternal and child health, expanding access to electricity and increasing women’s representation in government. Yet with just ten years left, we still have a very long way to go, especially in terms of meeting the 'climate and environment' commitments.

Outcome evaluation of climate-smart research on solar-powered irrigation in India

december, 2019

As part of an Outcome Evaluation of Climate-Smart Research on Solar-Powered Irrigation in India, a simulation model was constructed with the objective of developing a scenario-building model of the main factors influencing adoption, major costs, benefits and risks associated with solar-powered irrigation. The main focus of the evaluation was on the solar power as a remunerative crop (SPaRC) model, also known as KUSUM-C under the multibillion-dollar Kisan Urja Shakti evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) initiative of the Government of India.

Business models for fecal sludge management in India

december, 2019

Globally, 50% of the population relies on on-site sanitation systems (OSS) such as septic tanks and pit latrines and is, hence, in need of Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) solutions. India is a classic example, given that its government built more than 100 million toilets with the majority relying on OSS. With 400 fecal sludge treatment plants (FSTPs) in various stages of planning, procurement and construction, this report comes at an opportune time to present findings on FSM business models already implemented across India.

The Journey to a Better Tomorrow: Land;Climate Change and Gender. Experience from the Field

november, 2019

Liberia has long maintained a dual land tenure system over statutory and customary lands characterized by unclear terms of ownership. Most rural Liberians depend on common resources for their survival. These are largely communally owned;used and managed. But the Liberian government has effectively treated all un-deeded land as public land to be administered by the State. This has undermined the land rights of the majority.

Women and Men in Armenia

november, 2019

Gender statistics play a key role in mainstreaming gender into policies of the state and serves as a tool to adequately assess and reflect the situation of women and men in economic, social and political spheres of the society. Gender statistics allows increasing public awareness about the status of women in relation to that of men and conducting systematic study of gender issues.

Do Certificates of Customary Ownership as currently issued and delivered translate into more secure land rights for women and men involved: a case study of Nwoya using data collected by the Ministry of Lands;Housing and Urban Development

oktober, 2019

The Gambos municipality is part of Angolamilk region. However milk;which is life sustaining in these communities;was found to be in short supply due to diminishing grazing pastures correlating with the introduction of commercial cattle ranches to the area. It is the impact of commercial ranches on pastoralists which has removed their buffer against droughts and thus dangerously threatened food security.

Locked Out. How Unjust Systems are Driving Inequality in Uganda

oktober, 2019

In advance of the release of the World Bank’s 2019 Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) report;the Oakland Institute exposes the Bank’s new scheme to privatize land in the developing world. It details how the Bank’s prescribed reforms;via a new land indicator in the EBA project;promotes large-scale land acquisitions and the expansion of agribusinesses in the developing world. Initiated as a pilot in 38 countries in 2017;the land indicator is expected to be expanded to 80 countries in 2019. The project is funded by the US and UK governments and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Land Inequality Framing Document

september, 2019

From 2009-2015 Namati and partners CTV in Mozambique;LEMU in Uganda and SDI in Liberia supported more than 100 communities to document and protect their customary land rights. In late 2017 Namati evaluated the impacts the process had on communitiesresponses to outsiders seeking community lands and natural resources. Of the 61 communities assessed;46% had been approached by outside actors seeking community lands and natural resources since completing their land protection efforts.

State of open data

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2019

It’s been ten years since open data first broke onto the global stage. Over the past decade, thousands of programs and projects around the world have worked to open data and use it to address a myriad of social and economic challenges. Meanwhile, issues related to data rights and privacy have moved to the centre of public and political discourse. As the open data movement enters a new phase in its evolution, shifting to target real-world problems and embed open data thinking into other existing or emerging communities of practice, big questions still remain.

A Preliminary Study on The Formation of Land Legislation and Cadastre System in Sarawak, Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2019

Recent decades have witnessed a perceptible impact of land policy and cadastre on the urbanisation around the globe. Land legislation and cadastre system are the tools and mechanisms in order to achieve the objectives of land policy in delivering sustainable development. According to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, article 74 empowers the State Legislative Assemblies to enact laws for the matters under the state list while land matters are one of the subjects under the list.