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Land Library Importers

If you have a big database with many publications, laws and regulations or multi media items and you would like those to be included in the Land Portal's Land Library, we might consider building an importer that takes care of the ingestion process of the database automatically.


Can an importer between my website and the Land Library be built?


databases. The Land Portal Foundation builds importers to aggregate metadata from websites that have such large databases that they cannot be added manually.

Are you curious whether your website could be suitable for such an importer? We need certain information from you in order to determine this:


  • What kind of metadata model do you have on your website?

In order to determine whether we can build an importer, we need to determine whether our metadata models are sufficiently aligned that they can be linked without manual intervention. Click here to read more about the Land Portal metadata model.

  • What kind of Content Management System is implemented on your website? 

If your website uses a standard Content Management System (CMS), such as Wordpress, Drupal or CKAN, maybe it is possible to direct add them using its API capabilities. Please make sure to mention this when you contact us by email.


  • Do you have your metadata available in another format?

If you have the metadata available in an spreadsheet (Excel, CSV...) or your system supports protocols like OAI-PMH, or provides a RESTful API or SPARQL endpoint that publishes the metadata records, please be sure to mention this as well when you contact us. Our IT staff will contact your system administrator in order to find the best way to include your resources in the Land Library.


Currently, we have develop some importers from format such as:



Contact us!

If you would like to explore further whether an importer between your database and the Land Library is possible, please contact us through our resource provider form.