ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years we have been growing and expanding to where we are today - helping over 13 million of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people in 42 countries worldwide.
In all of our country programmes we work with local partners to make the most of their knowledge and experience.
Displaying 36 - 40 of 53Lay of the Land : Improving Land Governance to Stop Land Grabs
Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’ (see next section for de nition), can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report argues that the current rise in land grabbing needs to be urgently addressed, and focuses
on the actions that developing countries can take to mitigate land grabs through strengthening national land governance so that it is transparent, is accountable and protects communities’ rights.
ActionAid and IFSN publish brief introduction to the FAOs Voluntary Guidelines
The majority of the world live in rural areas and are dependent on land and land based resources. The increasing pressure on land, particularly that used for food production, by countries and private investors poses a huge risks to millions of these rural communities. One of the major causes is weak and poor governance in land tenure systems, as most Governments have so far failed to provide adequate safeguards to protect poor people from eviction or dispossession leaving them without compensation and remedy.
From Under Their Feet. A think piece on the gender dimensions of land grabs in Africa
Includes introduction: a new rush for land; framing the issues: historical and development questions; impacts of land grabs on rural women; concluding notes; proposed pointers for action.
13. A Brief Introduction to the “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
The document highlights four areas of the Voluntary Guidelines: human rights approach, diversity of existing land and natural resource tenure systems, free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) principle of consultation and participation will apply human rights approach, diversity of existing land and natural resource tenure systems, women's land rights and corporate responsibility. These are of greatest interest and relevance to the policy priorities of ActionAid and the International Food Security Network (IFSN).
From Under Their Feet
This paper was commissioned by ActionAid and serves as a think-piece to build our understanding of the gendered implications of the recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions and investments, particularly in Africa. It aims to provide a basis for further development of policy proposals and recommendations that address the issue from a developmental and gender equality perspective.