Displaying 11 - 15 of 23Government Act.
This Act makes provision for various matters in relation with the government of Tonga including the Cabinet, the Privy Council, the Legislative Assembly, Ministers and local authorities.The Minister of Lands shall be the representative of the Crown in all matters concerning the land of Tonga. Any District Officer may make Regulations for the administration of village plantations and other necessary matters relating to the welfare of the people of his village. Such Regulations shall be valid only if sanctioned by the Cabinet.
Emergency Powers Act.
This Act confers powers upon His Majesty in Council in case of the occurrence of an emergency (not defined).Subject to the provisions of this Act, His Majesty in Council may in an emergency make such Regulations as appear to him to be necessary or expedient for securing the public safety, the defence of the Kingdom, the maintenance of public order and for the maintaining of supplies and services essential to the life of the community.
Land (Amendment) Act 2002 (No. 16 of 2002).
This Act amends the Land Act (Cap. 132) by repealing and substituting Schedule XII. Schedule XII, made under section 169 of the principal Act, prescribes Land Court fees.
Amends: Land Act. (1988)
Land (Amendment) Act (No 23 of 1991).
A new Part (VIA) on easements is inserted. An "easement" is defined in section 112A as "a right annexed to land to utilise other land of different ownership in a particular manner (not involving the taking of any part of the natural produce of that land or of that land or of any part of its soil) or to prevent the owner of the other land from utilising his land in a particular manner". The same section declares the following rights of easements permissible: (a) right of way; (b) right to convey water; (c) right to drain water; (d) right to drain sewage.
Land (Amendment) Act 1999 (No. 19 of 1999).
The Principal Act is amended by repealing section 16 thereof. Section 16 provided for mortgages to be established on growing crops.
Amends: Land Act. (1988)