Ghana | Land Portal





At its inception, the Central Cocoa Research Station was assigned clear goals within the Gold Coast Department of Agriculture, to investigate the pest and disease problems of cocoa in order to maintain production in the Eastern Province and elsewhere in the Gold Coast. In 1944 when the Research Station was up-graded to WACRI, the objectives were widened to include investigations into the disease and pest problems of cocoa in West Africa, soil fertility and good agricultural practices, with the view to increasing yield and farmers' income.

Commonwealth Forestry Association logo

What we do

We are reminded on a daily basis that the natural environment in which we live is vitally important for our well-being, whether it is in the form of climate change, global warming, declining fertility or dwindling natural resources.


The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. It is headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with regional offices across Asia and Africa. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. IWMI is a member of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.

Lancée en 2015, la Convention des maires d'Afrique subsaharienne (CoM SSA) est un catalyseur majeur de l'action climatique locale dans la région, avec l'engagement politique de plus de 220 gouvernements locaux. L'objectif de la CoM SSA est d'aider les gouvernements locaux à passer de la planification à la mise en œuvre, en mettant l'accent sur le déblocage du financement climatique au niveau local.

Friends of the Nation (FoN) is a non-profit-making, non-governmental organization (NGO) involved in socio-environmental advocacy that was established in October 1993 and headquartered in Adiembra in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of the Western Region of Ghana.The organization has three program areas namely, Natural Resources Management, Community Development and Enterprise Development.

Caritas Ghana is a Charity Organization of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) and member of the global Caritas Confederation.

Logo Meridia


Meridia was founded in 2015 (then called Landmapp) with the intent to provide affordable land documentation to the people who need it the most, families living off land in places like Ghana and Indonesia. These families are smallholder farmers, the very ones producing the worlds food, such as rice, coffee, cocoa, palm oil and team.

We want to leave a positive footprint on the world, helping to improve people’s lives and reduce inequalities on a sustainably healthy planet.

Also known as our mission, the purpose stands behind all of the company strategy – it is our reason for being, it guides everything we do. The specific words are less important than the “spirit” of the idea.

iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing 4 social enterprises, employing nearly 1,000 people directly, and indirectly enabling many more through our market-based approaches in agriculture; water, sanitation, and health; and finance. 

Our beliefs are best summarized in a series of simple statements that guide our daily actions.

The Journal is published and funded from the resources of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, University for Development Studies, Ghana

his journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and sharing of ideas.