Philippines | Land Portal



We are a not-for-profit organization supporting agrarian reform beneficiaries and their cooperatives.

We improve the lives of smallholder farming households by promoting access to productive resources and enabling them to make informed decisions about environment-friendly, non-discriminatory and sustainable livelihoods.
We believe in people-centred development and a faith that promotes justice, peace, and integrity to all people.

AsiaDHRRA traces its earliest roots to the 1974 Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia Workshop (DHRRAW) held in Thailand. It is a regional partnership of eleven (11) social development networks and organizations in eleven (11) Asian nations that envisions Asian rural communities that are just, free, prosperous, living in peace and working in solidarity towards self-reliance. To achieve this, the network’s mission is to be an effective

The Philippine Islands became a Spanish colony during the 16th century; they were ceded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. In 1935 the Philippines became a self-governing commonwealth. Manuel QUEZON was elected president and was tasked with preparing the country for independence after a 10-year transition. In 1942 the islands fell under Japanese occupation during World War II, and US forces and Filipinos fought together during 1944-45 to regain control. On 4 July 1946 the Republic of the Philippines attained its independence.

Land Watch Asia (LWA) is a regional campaign to ensure that access to land, agrarian reform, and sustainable development for the rural poor are addressed in national and regional development agenda. The campaign involves civil society organizations in seven countries – Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

Focus on the Global South was established in 1995 to challenge neoliberalism, militarism and corporate-driven globalisation while strengthening just and equitable alternatives.  We work in solidarity with the Global South - the great majority of humanity that is marginalized and dispossessed by globalisation – believing that progressive social change and Global South solidarity are imperative if the needs and aspirations of oppressed peoples, particularly in Asia, Latin America and Africa, are to be met.

The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is a regional, intergovernmental and autonomous organisation. It was established on 6 July 1979 at the initiative of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations with support from several other UN bodies and donors. The Centre came into being to meet the felt needs of the developing countries at that time as an institution for promoting integrated rural development in the region.


Research and publishing organisation. WWW site has lists of projects (including the Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies (MIMAP) project) and publications. Includes selected full text articles from its Development Research News and its Journal of Philippine Development.

Who we are

AMIHAN is an organization of peasant women and a federation of peasant women organizations that carries forward the call for genuine agrarian reform, national industrialization, and an end to all forms of exploitation and discrimination especially against women in the countryside.

issaas logo

The Journal of ISSAAS is published semiannually, every June and December, by the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS), which seeks to encourage the holistic approach to problems and to promote the progress and advancement in science and technology through research and publications, the outcome of which is for regional agricultural development.

Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Legal Center is a legal center advocating and working for assertion and defense of indigenous peoples’ rights. It was established in 1994 by a group of Igorot lawyers, anthropologists and activists interested in advancing indigenous peoples’ rights. Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Legal Center offers support on legal and policy research, public advocacy, capacity building, legal aid and solidarity campaigns. 

Chan Robles was founded on May 28, 1988.  It was then known as Joselito Guianan Chan & Associates based in Manila.    

In 1991, Atty. Joselito Guianan Chan was joined by Atty. Reynaldo Bustos Robles to form Chan  Robles.   

Both partners are active, experienced practitioners, authors and publishers of law books, professors of law and professional consultants in various fields of law.   

Anthropology Watch, Inc., or AnthroWatch, was founded by a group of Anthropology graduate students of the University of the Philippines Diliman, with the purpose of bridging a perceived gap between the academic focus of education and the practice of development anthropology through actual engagement in development work. The organization and was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in September 8, 1994.