Moldova Land Code
Moldova Civil Code
Utilizarea fondului funciar la realizarea strategiilor de mediu în bazinul hidrografic Nistru
Sunt examinate posibilităţile de colectare a datelor în cadrul UTA necesare pentru realizarea măsurilor de gestionare a districtului Bazinului Hidrografic Nistru. Lucrarea are ca scop cunoaşterea arealului geografice, a tipurilor, formelor de relief, expoziţiei şi lungimii versanţilor, modul de utilizare a terenului din spaţiul studiat.
Colaborarea Republicii Moldova cu Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite pentru Alimentaţie și Agricultură (F.A.O.)
In this article the author has aimed a study on F.A.O. regarding historical aspects of formation F.A.O. as a specialized agency of the UN, analysis directions of its activity, its main functions etc. The author also aims to examine specific issues related to cooperation between F.A.O. and Moldova, directions and areas of cooperation, the development of these relations, the legislation which materializes the legal relations of collaboration and the benefits they had the Republic of Moldova as a result of collaboration with F.A.O.
Consolidarea terenurilor agricole în procesul de dezvoltare durabilă în comuna Sărata veche raionul Făleşti cu aplicarea tehnicilor SIG
Land consolidation is a planned readjustment and rearrangement of land parcels and their ownership. It is usually applied to form larger and more rational land holdings. Land consolidation can be used to improve the rural infrastructure and to implement the developmental and environmental policies. The need to improve land management is obvious. Due to this, in this study special attention is paid to rural areas where land relations have profound implications for agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability and the economic and social status of rural households.
Problemele funcţionării pieţii funciare in Republica Moldova: perspective şi tendinţe
Actually the land market of the Republic of Moldova represent a characteristic
development of whole national economy. Practically the evolution of land market is not
difference at the privatization period in the agrarian sector. It was manifested through limited land fund, small attractive land market for foreign investors, low prices of agriculture lands in comparison with the lots of other destination, the reduced area of agriculture enterprises, low
competitiveness of agriculture enterprises, a lot of erosion soils in the structure of land fund.
Difficultăţile gestionării resurselor funciare in Republica Moldova
The article exposed the structure and land resource management issues
worldwide. Also, it explains the difficulties of effective management of land in Moldova
and the factors that generate them: high fragmentation of land, failure to comply with the
technological processing rules of the land, short-term lease etc.
Dimensiunea teritorială a exploataţiilor agricole în contextul economiei dezvoltării
Experience in many countries demonstrates that without a clear land policy, it will be difficult or impossible to reduce deep-rooted structural poverty and inequality. The objective of the paper is to investigate the size of family farms in Moldova and other countries in the context of the development economics. In this context, the major factors that determine the farm size are analyzed: placement, inequality of income, average area per 1 inhabitant, and GDP per 1 inhabitant.
Aspecte relevante privind modificările structurale ale fondului funciar in Republica Moldova
This article is investigating some relevant aspects considering structural
changes of the land fund in the Republic of Moldova. Also it is considering the structure
evolution of land fund along 2007-2009 years. The results of the research conclude that
one of the most important rise components of efficient usage of land fund is spread of
fertilizers according to settled standards by scientific research institutions. Economical
efficacy using the land fund may be provided by supplying the agricultural enterprises with