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Climate change policy in Tanzania – is it needed?

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2011

Climate change and its implications on development in Tanzania should not be understated or ignored. Instead, discussions on our changing climate should begin with the recognition that climate change is undermining efforts to eradicate poverty. Yet, scientific complexities, jargon, uncertainties and debate have led to a general lack of understanding and confusion on how to address a changing climate, including policy prescriptions.

The Role of Religious and Traditional Institutions during Conflict and in Peacebuilding

Journal Articles & Books
октября, 2011

The Conflict in Liberia and subsequent trarnsitional justice process through means of a truth and reconciliation commission provide a unique opportunity to examine how the exploitation of religious and traditional identities/institutions became a means to fuel and perpetuate the conflict. Likewise, it also offers an example of how the strength and credibility of a religious community can be instrumental in facilitating formal peace processes.

Land Grabbing

Reports & Research
октября, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

What rural dwellers in the Global South experience as land grabbing, tends to be seen in the Global North as ‘agricultural investment’. The World Bank has been at the forefront of a drive to legitimate these investments, convening to win support for a code of conduct based on Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) principles. Many key civil society groups reject the proposal for a code of conduct, objecting to the top-down process by which it was formulated and arguing that it was more likely to legitimate than prevent land grabbing.

Búsqueda bibliográfica sobre seguridad y soberanía alimentaria en Sudamérica

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2011

Los contenidos relacionados con la Seguridad y Soberanía Alimentaria están cada vez más presentes en las agendas académicas, políticas y sociales del desarrollo rural en Sudamérica. Sin embargo, no se trata de un tema nuevo. Por el contrario, como puede verse en el presente texto, su tratamiento es fácilmente rastreable en documentos de investigación y propuestas de organizaciones y movimientos sociales, de gobiernos y de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales (ONG).

From Promise to Performance? Wildlife Management Areas in Northern Tanzania

Reports & Research
сентября, 2011

TNRF, UCRT and Maliasili Initiatives have published, From Promise to Performance?: Wildlife Mangement Areas in Northern Tanzania.  The summary provides an overview of findings of two studies recently carried out by TNRF on the current status and performance of three WMAs in northern Tanzania, in Arusha and Manyara regions 

Deforestation in the Ayeyarwady Delta and the Conservation Implications of an Internationally Engaged Myanmar

Reports & Research
сентября, 2011

... Myanmar is a country of huge biodiversity importance that is undergoing major political change, bringing with it new international engagement. This includes access to international markets, which will likely spur investment in export-oriented agriculture, leading to increased pressures on already threatened ecosystems. This scenario is illustrated in the Ayeyarwady Delta, the country’s agricultural heartland sustaining high deforestation rates. Using the Delta as a model system, we use an integrated

Status, distribution and determinants of poverty in the COMESA region: A review of existing knowledge

Reports & Research
августа, 2011
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa

Poverty and vulnerability are among the major problems in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). To design appropriate poverty reduction initiatives for the region, it is not only important to understand the distribution of poverty but also the determinants. Various reports have documented information on the status, distribution and determinants of poverty in each of the countries.

CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems

июля, 2011

CRP 1.1 was presented at the 4th Fund Council Meeting in April 2011. CRP1.1 targets the poor and highly vulnerable populations of the dry areas. It aims to develop technology, policy and institutional innovations to improve livelihoods, using an integrated systems approach. The program focuses on four strategic research themes (SRTs ) which cut across five focus regions. This CRP was approved with conditions at the meeting and subsequently received unconditional approval of inception phase & conditional approval of overall program & budget on Nov. 9, 2011.

Three decades of agrarian reform in Zimbabwe

июля, 2011

This article examines the empirical facts about the actual outcome of Zimbabwe's land reform, based on years of field research. It shows that the popular assumption about failed land reform in Zimbabwe is wrong on several counts: the character of Zimbabwe's land reform has been redistributive, and the extent of this has been wide enough to trigger significant progressive changes in the agrarian structure. This is despite some elites having benefited from the process and foreign-owned agro-industrial estates and conservancies being retained.

Un gène «étanchéifiant» pourrait protéger le riz de la sécheresse

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2011

Les chercheurs de l’université de Californie font état d’une surprenante découverte: un gène qui «étanchéifie» les plants de riz les protège également de la sécheresse. Le gène Sub1a, naturellement présent dans certaines variétés à faible rendement, en Inde, a été découvert dans les années 1990 à l’Institut international de recherche sur le riz, aux Philippines.

Une algue pour lutter contre le paludisme?

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2011

Une algue rouge vivant dans la mer qui baigne les îles Fidji pourrait contribuer à lutter contre le paludisme. Une équipe de chercheurs américains a découvert que l’algue Callophycus serratus contient des composés chimiques capables de détruire le parasite responsable du paludisme, le Plasmodium falciparum. Cette algue produit diverses substances antimicrobiennes qui semblent agir essentiellement contre les champignons microscopiques.

Changement climatique et famine: les «points chauds» sont identifiés

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2011

Une équipe de scientifiques de l’International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) a identifié toutes les zones à haut risque du monde dans lesquelles la famine et les conséquences négatives du changement climatique s’exacerberont particulièrement violemment. Ces régions sont principalement situées en Afrique et en Asie du Sud, mais la Chine et l’Amérique latine pourraient également être concernées. Dans moins de 40 ans, la saison agricole de ces régions sera plus courte, plus chaude et plus sèche, mettant en danger des centaines de millions de personnes déjà très démunies.