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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

Tonga’s biological diversity and natural resources are protected, conserved and enriched and are appreciated and enjoyed by her present and future generations and the rest of the world. The Guiding Principles are: Tonga has full sovereign rights over her biological diversity and natural resources. 2) The Government of Tonga takes the leading role to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable management of its biodiversity, through effective governance and leadership and in full consultation with all stakeholders.The following 8 Theme Areas are defined: 1) Forest Ecosystems.

Plan d'Action National pour l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2006.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

Face à l’avancée de la mer, l’érosion côtière, la perte des plages ; la désertification, la réduction des mangroves et autre zones de frayères, la perte des terres arables et autres pâturages ; la salinisation des eaux, la réduction ou l’insuffisance de la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’irrigation et la boisson et autres activités productrices, le Sénégal a élaboré son Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation (PANA) dont l’objectif est de proposer des options ou solutions d’adaptation face aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques dans les secteurs économique clés (les ressources en eau, l

Décret n° 2005-268 du 21 juillet 2005 fixant en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'...

июля, 2005
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent Décret fixe les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités Territoriales en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, notamment la protection des forêts, la gestion et la protection des cours d’eau nationaux et internationaux; la gestion des déchets, la protection de la biodiversité, la lutte contre la pollution, la gestion des aires protégées; la gestion du littoral.

Coastal landuse change detection using remote sensing technique: Case study in Banten Bay, West Java island, Indonesia

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2005

Various forms of coastal landuse covering study site (46,785.69 hectares) were observed to underwent changes as evidently detected between satellite images sensed in 1994 and 2001 at the Banten Bay. It was important to identify what these changes were. Therefore, appropriate change detection must be selected. The image preprocessing step involved removing errors from raster data. This was done by performing basic processes, such as, radiometric correction, geometric correction and image calibration.

Décret n° 2004-309 relatif à la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières.

февраля, 2004
Western Europe

Le présent décret fixe la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières, conduite, sous l'autorité du préfet, par le service de l'Etat chargé du domaine public maritime.

Integrated marine and coastal area management approaches for implementing the convention on biological diversity

декабря, 2003

This report details the programme of work on marine and coastal biodiversity under the convention on biological diversity that aims to assist the implementation of the convention at the national, regional and global levels.The report specifically details the operational objectives and priority activities within five key programmes, including:implementation of integrated marine and coastal area management (IMCAM)marine and coastal living resourcesmarine and coastal protected areasmariculturealien species and genotypes.Highlights of the report include:IMCAM is a participatory process for deci

National Water Resources Policy for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

National Policies
декабря, 2003

This national Policy for the water sector in Cambodia sets out a vision, fundamental principles, current situation and policies regarding development and management of freshwater resources and water demand and supply in Cambodia. The Policy, however, also contains a Chapter on water-related hazards and one on the management of coastal and marine waters. It also states the importance of sanitation for all, addresses water pollution and international aspects of water.

Protection of the Coastal Environment Law 5764-2004 .

декабря, 2003

This Law is aimed at: protecting the coastal environment, restoring and preserving coasts as a resource of unique value, and preventing and reducing as much as possible any damage to them; preserving the coastal environment and the coastal sand for the benefit and enjoyment of the public, for present and future generations; and establishing principles and limitations for the sustainable management, development and use of the coastal environment. Under the law, sea and shore are considered one integral unit that extends from Israel's territorial waters to 300 meters inland.

Order No. 4 of 2002 of Minister of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia on Regulation and Engineering Protection of Sea and River Coastlines

января, 2002

The Order regulates protection measures for the sustainability of coastal zones of the sea, water objects and rivers of Georgia, as well as provides for the state supervision and liability issues for negative erosional processes in the same zones. According to the Order, these regulations are oriented towards an integration of the interests of multiple sectors in order to enhance the sustainability of social and ecosystems.

Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy.

National Policies
декабря, 2001

The Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy is a strategic instrument with a national coverage which sets out the goals to be attained for sustainable development and outlines related measures and actions to be undertaken. The national environmental action strategy ensures continuity to the European Union action, namely through the Sixth Environmental Action Plan, with the targets regarding social cohesion, full employment and environmental protection approved by the Council of Europe in Lisbon and Göthenburg.