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Examining linkages among multiple sustainable development outcomes: does the productive safety net program increase on‑farm agrobiodiversity?

декабря, 2022

play a key role in building smallholders’ resilience. However, the impact of PSNP on on-
farm agrobiodiversity is not yet well investigated. In this paper, we develop an analytical
framework that links PSNP participation to on-farm agrobiodiversity. Both diverse farm-
ing systems and PSNP require labour inputs while providing income stabilization, which
might result in a negative relationship between the two. Conversely, higher income from
PSNP might allow farmers to increase their long-term on-farm investments, as opposed to

Application of advanced Wflow_sbm Model with the CMIP6 climate projection for flood prediction in the data-scarce: Lake-Tana Basin, Ethiopia [Abstract only]

декабря, 2022

Abstract: Flood-attributed damages to infrastructure and public safety are expected to escalate in the future due to climate change, land use change, and associated hydrologic changes. In recent years, the reliability of flood forecasts has increased due to the availability of meteorological and hydrological data and advancements in flood prediction science. However, there is limited effort to apply emerging advanced hydrological models for flood prediction in poorly gauged watersheds.

Accelerating climate adaptation in the Zambezi River Basin through digital innovations

декабря, 2022

The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) in southern Africa connects eight riparian countries—Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The population there mostly reside rurally, and over 80 percent of agriculture is attributed to smallholder farmers facing the brunt of the climate crisis. Digital technologies can facilitate and enhance climate adaptation and resilience, but their potential in ZRB is unassessed and the use relatively low.

Indicators of site-specific climate-smart agricultural practices employed in Ethiopia

декабря, 2022

Indicators of CSA practices/technologies are crucial to measure the performance of CSA practices/technologies and use as a guideline for data collection on the evaluation of CSA practices and technologies. Various indicators of CSA practices under the five categories including crop production, livestock production, integrated soil fertility management, erosion control, water management, and forestry/agroforestry management were identified using experts knowledge and literature review.

Net-mapping for low-emission food system development: Workshop on stakeholder mapping in Kapsabet, Kenya

декабря, 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems focuses on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while transforming food systems. It intends to work closely with key actors in the target countries, supporting them with new knowledge, information and tools to make robust evidence-based decisions as they confront challenges in food system transformation discourses, policy development and the reduction of GHG emissions. In Kenya, Nandi County has been selected as a site for a Living Lab for People (LL4P) on low-emission food system development.

Innovative agroecological practices can restore degraded farmlands and revive crop yields

декабря, 2022

Land degradation is a major obstacle to agricultural development in Africa,
where it’s accentuated by poor agricultural practices and climate change effects.
Restoration of degraded lands is crucial to prevent incursions into virgin and
marginal lands. A field experiment was carried out over a four-year period on
two degraded sites, to assess and compare the effect of the common practices
of: (i) burning crop residues and weeds by resource-poor farmers (T1) and (ii)
burning crop residues and weeds followed with application of manure and/or

Simulating cocoa production: A review of modelling approaches and gaps

декабря, 2022

Cocoa is an important commodity crop and source of income for millions of small-holder farmers. Nonetheless, questions on cocoa tree functioning, best management practices and climate change responses remain. Modelling is a powerful tool to address these questions, complementing experimental work that is expensive and time consuming due to the long productive cycle of the cocoa system. However, compared to other crops, cocoa modelling has not received as much attention.

Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana

декабря, 2022

In multifunctional landscapes, expanding economic activities jeopardise the integrity of biodiverse ecosystems, generating conservation-development trade-offs that require multi-stakeholder dialogue and tools to negotiate conflicting objectives. Despite the rich literature on participatory mapping and other tools to reveal different stakeholder perspectives, there is limited evidence on the application of such tools in landscape-scale negotiations.

Trends in rainfall and temperature extremes in Ethiopia: station and agro-ecological zone levels of analysis

декабря, 2022

Climate extreme events have been observed more frequently since the 1970s throughout Ethiopia, which adversely affects the socio-economic development of the country, as its economy depends on agriculture, which, in turn, relies heavily on annual and seasonal rainfall. Climate extremes studies conducted in Ethiopia are mainly limited to a specific location or watershed, making it difficult to have insights at the national level. The present study thus aims to examine the observed climate extreme events in Ethiopia at both station and agro-ecological zone (AEZ) levels.