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L’Algérie agricole et rurale 60 ans après : de la décolonisation au modèle concessionnaire

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2024

Après un rappel de l’héritage colonial et une critique du mythe de la prospérité coloniale, l’étude évoque les principales transformations opérées au cours des premières décennies (1960-1970) sous l’effet des politiques de réformes agraires (autogestion et révolution agraire), ainsi que les raisons qui sont au fondement des options libérales qui ont été retenues lors des décennies qui ont suivies (1980-2000).

Progress Towards the SDG Land Rights Commitments

Reports & Research
июля, 2024

Secure land rights for all—women and men, regardless of ethnicity or religion, or civil, economic, social, or political status—are foundational for achieving a world free of poverty, hunger, and systematic gender discrimination. So, in 2015, we celebrated when world leaders recognized the critical importance of land rights within Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Member States’ ambitious written commitments, however, have not been followed by on-the-ground action.

Progresso em direção aos compromissos de direitos fundiários dos ODS

Reports & Research
июля, 2024

Direitos à terra seguros para todas e todos - mulheres e homens, independentemente de etnia ou religião, ou status civil, econômico, social ou político - são fundamentais para alcançar um mundo livre de pobreza, fome e discriminação sistemática de gênero. Portanto, em 2015, comemoramos quando líderes mundiais reconheceram a importância fundamental dos direitos à terra na Agenda 2030 e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Os ambiciosos compromissos escritos dos Estados-Membros, no entanto, não foram seguidos por ações concretas.

Bonnes Expériences et Pratiques prometteuses de l’Evènement de GC du FO4ACP

Conference Papers & Reports
апреля, 2024

Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous la publication récente de l'Organisation Panafricaine des Agriculteurs (PAFO) : Gérer les Connaissances des Agriculteurs : "Bonnes expériences et pratiques prometteuses, de l'événement global de gestion des connaissances du FO4ACP".

Le document renferme des histoires venant d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et des îles du Pacifique, des régions impliquées dans la mise en oeuvre du programme FO4ACP.

Scaling-Up Community Participatory Mapping And Land Use Planning To Reinforce Customary Land Governance For Multi-Stakeholder Engagement On Sustainable Investments And Trade On Land In Southwest Cameroon.

декабря, 2023
United States of America

Background and context
With the decentralization processes underway in most countries of the Congo Basin, community involvement in decision-making is becoming an imperative, particularly with regard to land and resource management (Beatty, M.T. et al. (1978). To ensure that this involvement results in a clear and sustained expression of community needs, it is important to think of an integrated, free and committed approach to communities in order to promote a dialogue between land management actors (Joe Watts, 1994).
Goal and objectives

Comparative Analysis of Land Policy Instruments to Tackle Land Fragmentation

Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

This study addresses the significant issue of land fragmentation in Ethiopia, which is characterized by  small, irregular, scattered parcels  with no or adequate road access. With landholders owning multiple small and dispersed parcels, averaging 1.5 hectares, the situation demands urgent policy intervention.

Promoting sustainable land management through evidence-based decision support

Reports & Research
ноября, 2023

This publication is a product of the GEF-funded FAO project ‘Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling Out Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)’ which has developed a decision support framework (DSF). The DSF integrates experience from work with land degradation (LD) and SLM into an overall strategy for mainstreaming and scaling out SLM at different spatial and temporal scales. This publication serves as a step-by-step guide for the application and implementation of the DSF during planning, design and implementation of SLM interventions.

Connaître ou mettre en débat, alerter ou éclairer la décision : Trajectoires et appropriations des observatoires fonciers en Afrique

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2023
Afrique occidentale

En retraçant la vie sociale du concept d’observatoire foncier en contextes africains, l’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser l’émergence, l’évolution, la mise en œuvre et les effets des observatoires fonciers sur l’action publique foncière. Le nombre d’observatoires du foncier s’accroit, sans que la nature de ces organisations et les liens entretenus avec les acteurs du foncier et les processus de politique foncière soient encore pleinement compris.

Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report

Reports & Research
февраля, 2023

This report integrates the main findings of the AR6 Working Group reports58 and the three AR6 Special Reports59. It recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development.

Unlocking Africa’S Land Potential And Addressing Its Problems Through Sustainable Land Management

декабря, 2022

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses.

Co-designing inclusive landscape management plans: a practical guide

декабря, 2022

This report provides a comprehensive guide designed to facilitate the co-design of inclusive landscape management plans. Recognizing the critical role of diverse stakeholder engagement in sustainable land management, the guide offers a detailed framework with a strong focus on practical application. Through a systematic approach, the guide provides step-by-step insights, methodologies, and tools to effectively navigate collaborative processes in landscape management.