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Integrating Dendrochronology, Climate and Satellite Remote Sensing to Better Understand Savanna Landscape Dynamics in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2013

This research examines the integration and potential uses of linkages between climate dynamics, savanna vegetation and landscape level processes within a highly vulnerable region, both in terms of climate variability and social systems. We explore the combined applications of two time-series methodologies: (1) climate signals detected in tree ring growth, from published literature, chronologies from the International Tree-Ring Data Bank, and minimal preliminary field data; and (2) new primary production (NPP) data of vegetation cover over time derived from remotely sensed analyses.

Degradation of cultivated bench terraces in the Three Gorges Area: Field mapping and data mining

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Due to resettlements, construction of new infrastructure, and new land reclamation the rapid agricultural changes in the Three Georges Area (TGA) in Central China are expected to force the degradation of the cultivated terraced landscape. Consequently, increased soil erosion can hamper a sustainable land management in the mountainous TGA. This paper presents the model framework TerraCE (Terrace Condition Erosion) for determining the causes for different terrace conditions and terrace degradation based on field surveys and spatial data mining.

Dating and quantification of erosion processes based on exposed roots

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Soil erosion is a key driver of land degradation and heavily affects sustainable land management in various environments worldwide. An appropriate quantification of rates of soil erosion and a localization of hotspots are therefore critical, as sediment loss has been demonstrated to have drastic consequences on soil productivity and fertility.

Nutrient stocks and phosphorus fractions in mountain soils of Southern Ecuador after conversion of forest to pasture

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Understanding pasture degradation processes is the key for sustainable land management in the tropical mountain rainforest region of the South Ecuadorian Andes. We estimated the stocks of total carbon and nutrients, microbial biomass and different P fractions along a gradient of land-uses that is typical of the eastern escarpment of the Cordillera Real i.e., old-growth evergreen lower montane forest, active pastures (17 and 50 years-old), abandoned pastures 10 and 20 years old with bracken fern or successional vegetation.

Channelling science into policy: Enabling best practices from research on land degradation and sustainable land management in dryland Africa

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Demands are increasing for scientific research to be explicitly and demonstrably policy relevant. Research funders are requiring greater returns on their investments and scientists are expected to demonstrate clearly how their research can inform policy and regulation to deliver positive consequences for societal, economic and environmental wellbeing.

Farmers’ livelihood assets and adoption of sustainable land management practices in north-western highlands of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

In Ethiopia, farmers’ adoption and continued use of introduced land management technologies have not been widespread to reduce soil erosion and soil fertility depletion to an acceptable level. An important set of factors in farmers’ use of improved agricultural technologies is generally known to be their possession of livelihood assets. This study examines the influence of ownership of livelihood assets in farmers’ decisions to use cattle manure as land improvement technology, which is currently being promoted by Ethiopia’s agricultural extension system.

Land-use and land-cover change and its environmental implications in a tropical highland watershed, Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

This study analysed long-term land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in a highland watershed covering an area of about 154 km² in the Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia. Two sets of panchromatic aerial photographs (1957 and 1982) and a Landsat TM image (2001) were the main input data from which three land-use and land-cover maps were produced by employing geographical information systems/remote sensing techniques. These data were complemented by some socio-economic data that were generated by using household survey, key-informant interview and group discussion methods.

development of soil and water conservation policies and practices in five selected countries from 1960 to 2010

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
United States of America

Since the 1930s there has been worldwide concern about the effects and impacts of land degradation. After the problems experienced in the Dust Bowl in the USA, much attention was paid to soil and water conservation in both developed and developing countries. Initially Governments stimulated the establishment of physical control measures, such as terraces, check dams and reforestation. This was achieved through top-down regulations, and Forestry Departments were often in charge of the implementation.

Assessing, mapping, and quantifying cultural ecosystem services at community level

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Numerous studies underline the importance of immaterial benefits provided by ecosystems and especially by cultural landscapes, which are shaped by intimate human–nature interactions. However, due to methodological challenges, cultural ecosystem services are rarely fully considered in ecosystem services assessments. This study performs a spatially explicit participatory mapping of the complete range of cultural ecosystem services and several disservices perceived by people living in a cultural landscape in Eastern Germany.

Conservation Practices for Climate Change Adaptation

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
United States of America

The threat of climate change is a great challenge to sustainable land management (USDA-NRCS, 2010a). Several publications have reported that over the last few decades, rainfall intensities have increased in many parts of the world, including in the United States. Without good, productive soils and the ecosystem services provided by them, the survival of our species will be in jeopardy. The future changes in climate that will drive erosion processes will significantly impact soil erosion rates, with higher projected erosion rates for the United States.

Mapping global land system archetypes

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Land use is a key driver of global environmental change. Unless major shifts in consumptive behaviours occur, land-based production will have to increase drastically to meet future demands for food and other commodities. One approach to better understand the drivers and impacts of agricultural intensification is the identification of global, archetypical patterns of land systems. Current approaches focus on broad-scale representations of dominant land cover with limited consideration of land-use intensity.

Vertical distribution and influencing factors of soil water content within 21-m profile on the Chinese Loess Plateau

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

In arid and semiarid regions that have deep soils, plant root systems can extract soil water to a depth of 20m or more. An accurate evaluation of soil water conditions in such regions is essential in order to improve the understanding of the role of soils as a water pool and to design scientifically based water management strategies. However, the vertical distribution of soil water and its storage in deeper layers are unclear due to the shortage of field data.