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Lessons learned from five years of nature conservation and development in South Pacific Islands

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2018
New Zealand

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under the Pacific Alliance for Sustainability implemented the project “Forestry Conservation and Protected Area Management” in cooperation with the Governments of the Pacific Island Countries Fiji, Niue, Samoa and Vanuatu from 2012 until 2018.

Sustainable management of Miombo woodlands

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2018

The Miombo woodland is a vast African dryland forest ecosystem covering close to 2.7 million km2 across southern Africa (Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The woodlands are characterized by the dominance of Brachystegia species, either alone or in association with Julbernardia and Isoberlinia species. It is estimated that the woodlands – through their numerous goods and services which include various non-wood forest products (NWFPs) (e.g.

La Industria de la Madera en el Perú

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2018
El Salvador

En 2003, la Unión Europea (UE) lanzo el Plan de acción sobre aplicación de las leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestal (Plan de acción FLEGT) para combatir la tala ilegal de madera, promover el consumo y la producción de madera de origen legal y, en última instancia, contribuir al manejo forestal sostenible y la reducción de la pobreza. Todo esto concluye mejoras en la gobernanza forestal y en la aplicación de las leyes, además de la promoción de industrias forestales legales y sostenibles.

FAO Regional Initiatives: Supporting member states to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Institutional & promotional materials
марта, 2018

The Asia-Pacific region, despite impressive economic growth, is home to 490 million people still suffering from chronic hunger and it accounts for 62 percent of undernourished people in the world. Other trends and topics that need to be taken into account include population growth, urbanization and change of dietary patterns, issues of malnutrition and food safety, climate change and disaster risk, and unsustainable production and environmental degradation.

Re-Placing the Desert in the Conservation Landscape: Charisma and Absence in the Gobi Desert

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2018

Across the Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia, millions of newly planted trees struggle to survive amid adverse ecological conditions. They were planted by a wide variety of actors in an attempt to protect, restore, or modify the local environment, despite evidence of their negative consequences upon local ecosystems. This paper investigates how these afforestation projects both challenge and affirm recent theoretical work on conservation, while also providing key insights into the decision-making framework of land management across the world’s third largest desert region.

Evaluating Public Attitudes and Farmers’ Beliefs towards Climate Change Adaptation: Awareness, Perception, and Populism at European Level

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2018

The scientific understanding of climate change is firmly established; it is occurring, it is primarily due to human activities, and it poses potentially serious risks to human and natural systems. Nevertheless, public understanding of this phenomenon varies widely among farmers and the public, the two-target audience of this paper. This paper introduces two research questions: (1) How climate change is perceived by public-farmers’ nexus; and (2) How perception and populism (as a thin-ideology moved by social forces) interact?

Wealth and the distribution of benefits from tropical forests: Implications for REDD+

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2018

Interventions to strengthen forest conservation in tropical biomes face multiple challenges. Insecure land tenure and unequal benefit sharing within forest user groups are two of the most important. Using original household-level survey data from 130 villages in six countries, we assess how current wealth inequality relates to tenure security and benefit flows from forest use. We find that villages with higher wealth inequality report lower tenure security and more unequal flows from forest income and externally sourced income.

ProTierras Hidalgo

Institutional & promotional materials
февраля, 2018

En este folleto se brinda información general sobre el Proyecto de Promoción del Manejo Sostenible de la Tierra (ProTierras), cuyo objetivo es reducir la degradación de tierras mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión territorial sustentable. Específicamente se explica la problemática y mecanismos de intervención que presenta una de las zonas piloto de atención del proyecto: la microregión de Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo.

ProTierras Oaxaca

Institutional & promotional materials
февраля, 2018

En este folleto se brinda información general sobre el Proyecto de Promoción del Manejo Sostenible de la Tierra (ProTierras), cuyo objetivo es reducir la degradación de tierras mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión territorial sustentable. Específicamente se explica la problemática y mecanismos de intervención que presenta una de las zonas piloto de atención del proyecto: la microregión Mixteca, Oaxaca

Mixed-species allometric equations and estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in restoring degraded landscape in northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2018

Accurate biomass estimation is critical to quantify the changes in biomass and carbon stocks following the restoration of degraded landscapes. However, there is lack of site-specific allometric equations for the estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB), which consequently limits our understanding of the contributions of restoration efforts in mitigating climate change. This study was conducted in northwestern Ethiopia to develop a multi-species allometric equation and investigate the spatial and temporal variation of C-stocks following the restoration of degraded landscapes.

International Cooperative Development of Techniques for Sustainability when Managing and Restoring Degraded Rangelands

Conference Papers & Reports
февраля, 2018

In the United States 20% of privately owned rangelands are vulnerable to accelerated soil loss. Estimated annual costs of direct and indirect damage caused by soil erosion in the United States is $27 billion dollars. More than 50% of Asia and 70% of Middle Eastern rangelands are degraded. Exact estimates of economic costs and total area degraded is unknown; however, costs may be significantly higher than in the United States due to the extent of degradation/desertification in these regions.

Applying Ostrom’s institutional analysis and development framework to soil and water conservation activities in north-western Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2018

Sustainable land management is of utmost importance in Ethiopia and relies on Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures collectively implemented by smallholders through participatory processes. This paper contributes systematic evidence on how SWC strategies are implemented and how participation is operationalized.