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A hybrid approach to decolonize formal water law in Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
октября, 2018
South Africa

In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically impossible to manage and have worsened inequality in water access.

Modelling Land Sharing and Land Sparing Relationship with Rural Population in the Cerrado

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
сентября, 2018

Agricultural expansion and intensification enabled growth of food production but resulted in serious environmental changes. In light of that, debates concerning sustainability in agriculture arises on scientific literature. Land sharing and land sparing are two opposite models for framing agricultural sustainability.

Los procesos de espacialización de la población en las ciudades : una alternativa de la intervención estatal a la superación del desplazamiento forzado. Colombia 2004 – 2015

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
мая, 2018

Desde el reconocimiento de la existencia del desplazamiento forzado, el Estado ha ampliado y fortalecido la protección para los derechos de las víctimas. No obstante, las vulnerabilidades asociadas a la situación de desplazamiento se han agudizado. Este escenario da cuenta de una relación paradójica.

A Fair Share for Women: Toward More Equitable Land Compensation and Resettlement in Tanzania and Mozambique

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
февраля, 2018

Tanzania and Mozambique — countries of vast mountain ranges and open stretches of plateaus — now face a growing land problem. As soil degradation, climate change and population growth place enormous strains on the natural resources that sustain millions of people, multinational companies are also gunning for large swaths of land across both countries.

Land rights as a critical factor in donor agricultural investments: Constraints and opportunities for yieldwise in Kenya's mango value chain

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
января, 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa

This study provides a case study of the mango value chain in Kenya and seeks to better understand key linkages between land rights and project outcomes. It explores (1) whether and how land rights for Kenya’s mango farmers affect project uptake and success; and (2) what (if any) are this project’s unintended consequences on land tenure in implementation areas.

Participação e Protagonismo das Mulheres no Território da Cidadania da Baixada Cuiabana

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2017
South America

As reflexões e discussões contidas neste artigo são oriundas de ações realizadas no projeto “Interface entre extensão e pesquisa no acompanhamento de empreendimentos econômicos e solidários em comunidades tradicionais e áreas de quilombo no território da Cidadania na Baixada Cuiabana MT”.

Agricultural land in Myanmar’s dry zone

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2017
South-Eastern Asia

In this research highlight, we present analysis of agricultural land use, distribution, access, tenure, land markets, and historical patterns of ownership and disposal. Findings are derived from a representative survey of 1578 rural households in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone - the Rural Economy and Agriculture Dry Zone Survey (READZ).