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Emerging Livelihood Vulnerabilities in an Urbanizing and Climate Uncertain Environment for the Case of a Secondary City in Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2018

ncreasing flood risks in Thailand are leading to new challenges for flood management and subsequently for livelihoods, which are still significantly agricultural. Policy makers prefer building flood protection infrastructure over utilizing non-structural measures like urban planning regulations to mitigate risks. We argue that unplanned urbanization intensifies flood risks and livelihood vulnerability and may even create new poverty patterns in peri-urban areas.

Putting the Voluntary Guidelines into Practice: A Learning Guide for Civil Society Organizations

Manuals & Guidelines
ноября, 2017

This learning guide provides civil society organizations (CSOs) with a methodology and a set of materials to undertake training on the VGGT with civil society actors from the grassroots to the national level. Trainees will learn how to apply the VGGT to actual tenure governance challenges.

A (des)habitação enquanto um disciplinamento moral e uma prática de Estado na criação de territórios

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2017
América do Sul

Inserida na área da antropologia urbana e de uma antropologia do Estado, a pesquisa tem como ponto de partida os processos de reconfiguração e transformação urbana na cidade do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos anos, apontando para um aumento, provocado pelo município, dos deslocamentos forçados das famílias que habitam áreas periféricas e de favelas.

Rethinking post-disaster relocation in urban India

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2017

After natural disasters, governments often relocate vulnerable urban communities in the name of humanitarian relief. But urban communities rarely welcome such relocation, since it frequently exacerbates their daily challenges or creates new risks. Indeed, resettlement after a disaster is often another form of eviction. This briefing discusses the situation in Chennai, where state and local authorities have been building resettlement tenements on inland marsh areas using centrally sponsored schemes for affordable housing.

The participation of urban displaced populations in (in)formal markets: contrasting experiences in Kampala, Uganda

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
июля, 2017

An estimated 60 per cent of the world’s 17 million refugees currently reside in cities, where they often lack access to financial assistance and legal protection.(1) In their absence, displaced populations depend on participation in formal and, more frequently, informal markets for livelihood generation.

Agricultural Land Fragmentation at Urban Fringes: An Application of Urban-To-Rural Gradient Analysis in Adelaide

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

One of the major consequences of expansive urban growth is the degradation and loss of productive agricultural land and agroecosystem functions. Four landscape metrics—Percentage of Land (PLAND), Mean Parcel Size (MPS), Parcel Density (PD), and Modified Simpson’s Diversity Index (MSDI)—were calculated for 1 km × 1 km cells along three 50 km-long transects that extend out from the Adelaide CBD, in order to analyze variations in landscape structures. Each transect has different land uses beyond the built-up area, and they differ in topography, soils, and rates of urban expansion.

Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Road Networks and Urban Expansion

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

Urban expansion has become a widespread trend in developing countries. Road networks are an extremely important factor driving the expansion of urban land and require further study. To investigate the relationship between road networks and urban expansion, we selected Beijing, New York, London, and Chicago as study areas. First, we obtained urban land use vector data through image interpretation using a remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) platform and then used overlay analysis to extract information on urban expansion.

Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global South: Adequate, Secure, and Affordable Housing

Policy Papers & Briefs
июня, 2017
  • There is an accute lack of well-located urban housing that is adequate, secure, and affordable. The global affordable housing gap is currently estimated at 330 million urban households and is forecast to grow by more than 30 percent to 440 million households, or 1.6. billion people, by 2025.

Global Urban Lectures: Geoffrey Payne - Improving urban tenure security and property rights

Training Resources & Tools
июня, 2017

Geoffrey Payne outlines five fundamental propositions that are key to his understanding of tenure issues and policy options.

These are:

1) That access to affordable land with adequate security of tenure and associated rights is a pre-condition for realising the goal of adequate housing and poverty reduction;


Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

The implementation process of the Syracuse’s Master Plan is characterized by the widespread use of “urban negotiation”. The Muni- cipality has drawn up a protocol aimed at obtaining areas for facilities and public infrastructures in different areas basing on the rule of the transfer of a portion of land in return for the building permission for the remaining part. Since these areas are variously cha- racterized, the negotiation process may not be fair to Municipality or convenient to land owners.


Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

Mahakam Ulu Regency is a new municipality that had been developed in 2012. Ujoh Bilang City is the new Capital City that planned as the Capital City of Mahakam Ulu Regency. The natural condition and local culture in this city create strong local characters. There are some natural and cultural condition in Ujoh Bilang City such as Geological Karst, fertile alluvium soil (nearby the Mahakam River), liveable Dayak culture that should be protected, and attended to the ecological landscape values.


Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

Needs land settlement increasingly over the development of cities. Demands of land use settlement that can’t be accommodated by the city space to inflict urban sprawl to the urban fringe. Urban fringe development caused visibility of the morphology. Propose of the research is to know the form of morphology settlement urban fringe the southern Surakarta.