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Steering Committee for the Agricultural Census. 2011. Agricultural Census Laos

Reports & Research
апреля, 2012

This report presents results of the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11. It highlights the major findings of the census, featuring commentary and graphical presentations, as well as some summary tables. Results are shown for each province. The report is available in Lao and English as separate documents.   The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in Lao PDR; the first was conducted in 1998/99. Since the first census, there have been significant changes in the agricultural sector and these changes needed to be captured in another census.  

Geography of Growth : Spatial
Economics and Competitiveness

апреля, 2012

This volume is organized as follows.
Chapter one address two questions: how has spatial
concentration evolved with growth and development, and what
are the efficiency implications of too much or too little
spatial concentration? This chapter summarizes the various
models that analyze growth by geographic concentration and
sets the foundation for concepts discussed in later
chapters. Chapter two focuses on urbanization in

Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and the Urban Poor : Cities Building Resilience for a Changing World

Reports & Research
марта, 2012

Poor people living in slums are at
particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change
and natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable land
within cities, typically areas deemed undesirable by others
and thus affordable. This study analyzes the key challenges
facing the urban poor, given the risks associated with
climate change and disasters, particularly with regard to
the delivery of basic services, and identifies strategies

Vietnam Urbanization Review : Technical Assistance Report

марта, 2012

As Vietnam enters a crucial period of
urbanization corresponding to its present stage of economic
development, the Government of Vietnam has placed strong
emphasis on developing its system of cities. In accordance
with this objective this Urbanization Review is dedicated to
understanding the key dimensions and aspects of
Vietnam's urbanization process and to identifying
trends, opportunities, challenges and core policy priorities

Transport on a Human Scale

марта, 2012

An efficient and affordable access to
jobs, education and services is considered a fundamental
element for development. However, the mobility conditions in
the cities have deteriorated because of the increasing
motorization and urbanization. The number of new cars that
enter the cities every year outpaces the construction of new
roads, aggravating the existing congestion issues.
Therefore, the urban models that revolve around highways and

From Farm to Firm : Rural-Urban
Transition in Developing Countries

марта, 2012

Around the world, countries are becoming
urbanized at an astonishing pace. As countries develop
economically, their economies shift from mainly rural and
agrarian to increasingly urban and nonagricultural. This
rural-urban transformation presents both opportunities and
challenges for development. When managed effectively, the
transformation spurs growth and reduces poverty. When
managed poorly, however, the process can result in stark

Density and Disasters : Economics of Urban Hazard Risk

марта, 2012

Today, 370 million people live in cities
in earthquake prone areas and 310 million in cities with
high probability of tropical cyclones. By 2050, these
numbers are likely to more than double. Mortality risk
therefore is highly concentrated in many of the world s
cities and economic risk even more so. This paper discusses
what sets hazard risk in urban areas apart, provides
estimates of valuation of hazard risk, and discusses

The Quality of Life in Latin
American Cities : Markets and Perception

марта, 2012

This book suggests how that exploration
should be undertaken, and how a monitoring system that has a
solid conceptual basis and is both easy to operate and
reasonable in cost can then be put into practice. Long the
ideal of many scholars and observers of urban problems, such
a system may now be close to realization. In this book,
examples of Latin American cities are used as case studies.
As argued in the first chapter, there are good reasons to

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Small Towns : An Economic Analysis Conducted in Yunnan, China

марта, 2012

Municipal solid waste management
continues to be a major challenge for local governments in
both urban and rural areas across the world, and one of the
key issues is their financial constraints. Recently an
economic analysis was conducted in Eryuan, a poor county
located in Yunnan Province of China, where willingness to
pay for an improved solid waste collection and treatment
service was estimated and compared with the project cost.

Urbanization and Growth : Commission
on Growth and Development

марта, 2012

Structural change is a key driver of
rapid growth: countries diversify into new industries, firms
learn new things, people move to new locations. Anything
that slows this structural change is also likely to slow
growth. Because urbanization is one of the most important
enabling parallel processes in rapid growth, making it work
well is critical. Urbanization's contribution to growth
comes from two sources: the difference between rural and

Liberia - Employment and Pro-Poor Growth

марта, 2012

Fourteen years of civil conflict
(1989-2003) have destroyed Liberia's social and
economic infrastructure and brought the economy nearly to a
halt. Workers who came of age during the conflict are
largely unskilled, and the supply of workers exceeds demand
by a substantial margin. The negative effects of
unemployment, underemployment, and low productivity on
economic growth have made employment the most urgent demand

The Effects of Conflict on Fertility in Rwanda

марта, 2012

The aim of this paper is to study the
short and long-term fertility effects of mass violent
conflict on different population sub-groups. The authors
pool three nationally representative demographic and health
surveys from before and after the genocide in Rwanda,
identifying conflict exposure of the survivors in multiple
ways. The analysis finds a robust effect of genocide on
fertility, with a strong replacement effect for lost