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Decreto Supremo Nº 008/91/TR - Reglamento de la Ley general de comunidades campesinas.

South America

El presente Reglamento dispone que para formalizar su personería jurídica, la comunidad campesina será inscrita en el Libro de comunidades campesinas y nativas del Registro de Personas Jurídicas de la Oficina Registral, por resolución administrativa del órgano competente en asuntos de comunidades del Gobierno Regional correspondiente.

Land Use Planning Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements the Federal Land Use Planning Act of 22 June 1979. In particular, the Ordinance regulates land use planning in the Canton of Glarus dealing with the following aspects: agricultural zones, protected water areas, areas liable to natural disasters, infrastructural measures, building outside permitted areas, local authorities with no official building areas, cantonal competent authorities, and financial contributions by the Canton and dispute settlements. The text consists of 10 articles.

Registered Land (Registration of Maximum Number of Proprietors) Rules (Cap. 300).

Eastern Africa

These Rules prescribe that only twenty or any lesser number of persons may be registered as the proprietors of any land, lease or charge where charge to the land restricts its user to any purpose other than agriculture and in the opinion of the registrar, the instrument presented for registration will have the effect of vesting the land, lease or charge in such persons jointly as partnership property. The Rules shall only apply to specified registration sections.

Implements: Registered Land Act (Cap. 300). (2006)

Joint Regulation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey regarding the modalities of issuing licences for the exposure of degraded and contaminated soil.

Eastern Europe

In accordance with this Regulation the licensed activity is sub-divided in two groups: a) inspection of agricultural land for the purpose of the exposure of the eroded, saline, swamped soils; desertified soils, sedimentary soils, as a result of mining, reindeer pastures with the soil and vegetation damaged; b) soils contaminated by industrial waste and nuclear substances. The Regulation consists of 4 Sections. Section 1 lays down the general provisions. Section 2 establishes the modalities of issuing licences. Section 3 determines the rights and the duties of the holders of licence.

Government Decree 104/1991 Korm. in the interest of settling ownership relationships, and on the execution of Act XXV of 1991 on partial compensation for damages unlawfully caused by the State.

Eastern Europe

This Decree sets out certain detailed rules of application for compensation and of determination of the value of the compensation for arable land, farm buildings, other real estates and assets. Certain rules of issuing of compensation bonds and financial rules regarding compensation bonds are also determined in this Decree. There are provisions also regarding the right of pre-emption of former owners of the assets, the certification and verification of former ownership. Rules of auctioning, marking out, registration of ownership of farmlands is determined as well in this Decree.

Presidential Decree No. 2162 of 1993 regarding reinforcement of the State control over the use and the protection of land for the period of land reform.

Eastern Europe

This Decree establishes that for the period preceding the adoption of the basic land legislation, physical and juridical persons and public officials are committed to civil liability for the following offences in the field of land administration: for the infringement of legal and administrative procedures in urban construction documentation that caused land squatting; for the infringement in the use of land destined for environmental protection, national parks and recreational purpose; for irrational use of agricultural land and lack of protective measures for soil conservation; for dodging

Décret n° 80-160 du 28 mai 1980 portant organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.

Western Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles d’organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.Composé d’un cabinet, des directions de l’administration centrale et des services régionaux extérieurs, le Ministère de l’aménagement rural a pour attributions : la définition et la mise en œuvre des programmes d’aménagement et d'équipement rural, l'étude et l'amélioration du milieu, le contrôle sanitaire des animaux, le contrôle du conditionnement des produits agricoles, l'élaboration et l'application de la législation foncière et de la réglementation relative aux forêts, à la chasse,

Decreto Nº 126/992 - Créase la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas.

South America

Mediante este Decreto se crea la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas, organismo de integración mixta cuya misión es concretar el esfuerzo privado y público en la conservación de los suelos y las aguas con fines agropecuarios.

Implementa: Ley Nº 15.239 - Declara de interés nacional el uso y la conservación de los suelos y de las aguas superficiales destinadas a fines agropecuarios. (1981-12-23)

Presidential Decree No. 1529 amending and codifying the laws related to registration of land property.

South-Eastern Asia

This Presidential Decree, consisting of sixteen Chapters, amends and codifies the laws related to registration of land property. It establishes Land Registration Commission composition, duties and responsibilities (Chap. II); Ordinary (Cadastral) Registration Proceedings, in particular, specifying the exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership including private lands or abandoned river beds obtained by right of access and any other manner provided for by law (Chap.

Decree-Law No. 51/91 regulating the distribution of State agricultural lands.

Sao Tome and Principe
Middle Africa

This Decree-Law regulates the distribution of State agricultural lands. It consists of 25 articles establishing land concession requirements in order to develop and to improve the agricultural sector.

Implemented by: Decision No. 8/92 regulating contractual rescinding procedures. (1992-02-28)
Implements: Act No. 3/91 concerning public land. (1991-06-28)
Amended by: Decree No. 10-C/2000 on land concession contracts. (2000-10-24)

Cabinet Order for the implementation of the agricultural land soil pollution prevention Law, Cabinet Order No. 204 of 1971, amended by Cabinet Order No. 219 of 1971 and No. 375 of 1972, No. 103 of 1975.)

Eastern Asia

Article 1 establishes the harmful substances stated in Article 2 of the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law. Article 2 sets out the requirements to be fulfilled for the designation of an agricultural land soil pollution policy area. (2 Articles)

Implements: Act to Prevent Soil Contamination on Agricultural Land (No. 139 of 1970). (2011)