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Decreto Supremo Nº 1.954 - Suspende las actividades de campo en los procedimientos de saneamiento y reversión de la propiedad agraria y el establecimiento de un procedimiento especial de verificación del cumplimiento de la Función Económico Social – FE...

South America

En el marco de la política de desarrollo rural integral del Estado, y atendiendo en especial al objetivo de proteger la producción agropecuaria y agroindustrial ante desastres naturales e inclemencias climáticas, geológicas y siniestros, el presente Decreto suspende las actividades de campo en los procedimientos de saneamiento y reversión de la propiedad agraria y el establecimiento de un procedimiento especial de verificación del cumplimiento de la función económico social para los predios que fueron afectados por inundaciones.

Amhara National Regional State Rural Land Administration and Use System Implementation, Council of Regional Government Regulation (No. 51/2007).

Eastern Africa

This Regulation of the council of the Amhara Regional Government, made in accordance with the powers vested in it under the provisions of Art. 58 sub-art.7 of the revised Regional constitution and Art. 33 sub-art. 1 of the revised Rural Land Administration and use Determination Proclamation No.

Acuerdo Nº 61 - Instructivo para la elaboracion y aplicacion del proceso de valoracion de tierras requerida por la Unidad Ejecutora MAGAP – PRAT.

South America

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el instructivo para la elaboración y aplicación del proceso de valoración de tierras requerida por la Unidad Ejecutora MAGAP – PRAT, en las que se ejecuta el Programa Sistema Nacional de Gestión e Información de Tierras Rurales (SIGTIERRAS).

Implementa: Acuerdo Nº 160 - Programa Sistema Nacional de Gestión e Información de Tierras Rurales (SIGTIERRAS). (2008-09-23)

Presidential Decree No. UP-3932 “On improvement of drainage and land reclamation”.

Central Asia

The President, with a view of creating favorable conditions for sustainable agricultural development, improvement of drainage and land reclamation practices with subsequent increase of yield of agricultural crops, and also for improvement of financing of drainage and land reclamation practices, decrees as follows: (a) to ensure stable financing of drainage and land reclamation practices; and (b) to set up special Fund for improvement of state of drained land for state support of agricultural producers through financing of work for soil fertility improvement by improvement of drainage state

Cantonal Agricultural Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance enforces articles 7 and 13 of the Introductory Law of 5 May 2014 relating to the Federal Acts on agriculture, rural soil and agricultural lease. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the granting of subsidies for alpine cultivation, as well as issues concering rural soil and agricultural lease. Moreover, the Ordinance regulates the enforcement of federal agricultural legislation in the Canton Glarus.

Loi sur les mesures de compensation liées à la création de zones agricoles (LCZA).

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour but de prévoir les mesures de compensation en faveur des propriétaires dont les biens-fonds sont classés en zone ou territoire agricole en application de la loi fu 4 décembre 1985 sur les constructions et l'aménagement du territoire. L’article 2 établit que les présentes dispositions s'appliquent dans les territoires et zones agricoles, ainsi qu'aux immeubles qui sont en relation avec l'exploitation agricole de biens-fonds qui y sont situés.

Law No. 6.709 establishing reform, settlement and colonization of vacant lands belonging to the State of Piauí.

South America

This Law, consisting of 8 Chapters establishes reform, settlement and colonization of vacant lands belonging to the State of Piauí. The Institute for Reform and Land Regularization - INTERPI is the competent body for the management and administration of land policy in the State of Piauí, in accordance with State Law No. 3.783 of 16 December 1980. The INTERPI may create support offices inside the State, called Land Governance Office aiming to accelerate the fulfillment of its objectives. Land regularization includes rural and urban public land of the State of Piauí.

Decree No. 47 of 2014 (II. 26.) Korm. of the Government laying down security requirements and rules of issuance of paper format documents concerning the transfer of property rights of land or containing other kind of written legal transaction affecting...

Eastern Europe

Contracts affecting property rights of land and for the registration of these contracts in the cadastre must be laid down by a legal counsel on sheets of paper bearing the requisites foreseen in Article 2. Such contracts shall be registered with the competent district land office and shall be kept in a safe place by the legal counsel.

Decreto Nº 639 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007, en lo relacionado con la extinción del derecho de dominio sobre inmuebles rurales.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007, en lo relativo a la extinción del derecho de dominio o propiedad sobre los predios rurales con aptitud para el aprovechamiento agrícola, pecuario, forestal o pesquero, por incumplimiento de la función social de la propiedad.

Regional Law No. 815-OZ “On establishment of the price of land plots located within the boundaries of regional urban areas destined for agricultural production, without edifices or constructions thereon”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that price of purchase of land plots located within the boundaries of regional urban areas destined for agricultural production, without edifices or constructions thereon previously allotted to agricultural organization or to peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) tenancy or on condition of life-long hereditary possession shall be set at fifteen percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid plots of land.