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Land Act, 1979 (Act No. 17 of 1979).

Southern Africa

The Act makes provision with respect to titles in land, the development of selected land, and the resolution of disputes regarding land and various other matters relating to land. As a corollary to the principle that land in Lesotho is vested absolutely and irrevocably in the Basotho Nation and is held by the State, no person, other than the State, shall hold any title to land except as provided for under customary law or under this Act. Where the customary law is inconsistent with this Act, this Act shall prevail (sect. 3).

Resolución Nº 003/10/SNCP/CNC - Reglamento del Índice del Verificador Catastral.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba la Directiva Nº 001/10/SNCP/CNC, Reglamento del Índice del Verificador Catastral, que es un registro administrativo de información de los profesionales autorizados para realizar el levantamiento catastral, establece las normas y procedimientos para su funcionamiento.

Orden ARM/2763/2009 - Registro de titularidad compartida de explotaciones agrarias.

Southern Europe

La presente Resolución regula el Registro de titularidad compartida de explotaciones agrarias, adscrito a la Dirección General de Desarrollo Sostenible del Medio Rural del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, en el que se anotará toda la información concerniente a las explotaciones en régimen de titularidad compartidas, que deberá contener la identificación de los cotitulares y, en su caso, del representante designado por éstos, así como la identificación de la explotación y su número de identificación fiscal.

Order No. 56 on Standards of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC).

Northern Europe

The Order sets out requirement standards for good agricultural and environmental conditions in order for farmers to comply with regulations on granted subsidy for land development, in accordance to the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013. Uncultivated land must be kept with vegetation until cultivation is resumed.Appendix 1 - Summary of requirements for good agricultural and environmental conditions in 2012.Appendix 2 - Conversion table for horses and ruminants.

Regulation No. (Z/8) of 2009 concerning the protection of agricultural land.

Western Asia

This Regulation provides instructions on the protection of agricultural land. Article 2 defines some terms used in the provisions of this Regulation. Article 3 states the different kinds of agricultural land this law is concerned with. In order to implement the provisions of this Regulation the Minister of Agriculture is establishing a technical committee which includes representatives from many different Ministries ( Environment, water and Irrigation).

Decision No. 957/QD-TTg approving the master plan on peaceful development and utilization of atomic energy through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on peaceful development and utilization of atomic energy in order to: develop atomic application into a sector with greater and more effective contributions to socio-economic development, public health care and environmental protection; ensure safety and security according to international standards for atomic energy-related activities; adopt policies to assure socio-economic development and improve the living standards of people in localities where nuclear facilities exist; etc.Detailed plans on radiation development and application shall be elaborate

Parliamentary Decree No. 308-XII implementing Land Code.

Central Asia

The Parliament decrees to establish that Land Code shall be applicable to land relations beginning from December 1990, except for land relations envisaged by the articles 37-40 of Land Code to which the provisions of Land Code shall be applicable from 1 January 1991. Citizens who are not workers of agricultural enterprises and legal persons who are provisional tenants of the plots of agricultural land allotted thereto by agricultural enterprises before 1 December 1990 shall maintain the right of land tenure and land ownership.

Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 (Act No. 28 of 2008).

Southern Asia

This Act aims to regulate the conversion and development of paddy fields and protect wetland areas in order to promote agricultural growth, ensure food security and sustain the ecological system in the State of Kerala.The Act provides for the establishment of a Local Level Monitoring Committee in each Panchayat or Municipality, a State Level Committee and a District Level Authorized Committee in each District to decide on the reclamation of paddy land for public purposes or for construction of residential building for owners of the paddy land.The Act prohibits the conversion or reclamation

Ley Nº 1/2008 - Ley de Contratos de Cultivo.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto los contratos de cultivo, entendiendo por ellos los contratos de arrendamiento rústico, aparcería y, en general, todos los contratos, cualquiera que sea su denominación, por los cuales se cede onerosamente el aprovechamiento agrícola, ganadero o forestal de una finca rústica, que puede incluir una explotación agraria, entendida como un conjunto de bienes y derechos que conforman una unidad económica.

Regional Law No. 60-oz amending Regional Law No. 41-oz “On soil fertility of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 6 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government can transfer performance of some plenary powers in the sphere of ensuring soil fertility to specialized branch of regional executive power”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 41-oz “On soil fertility of agricultural land”. (2007-10-31)

Ministerial Decree No. 110 regarding allotment to the citizens of the plots of land for gardening, truck-farming and stockbreeding purposes.

Eastern Europe

The Council of Ministers decrees to entitle State Committee on Land Reform and its territorial subdivisions in accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Forest Ministry and other ministries and departments concerned to provide for carrying out land survey, mapping and other provisions in relation to allotment to the citizens of the plots of land for gardening, truck-farming and stockbreeding purposes.