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Descentralización e impuesto predial rural

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2004

Esta gua sobre Descentralizacin e impuesto predial rural se ha preparado con el fin de ayudar a los gestores catastrales que participan en el diseo y aplicacin del impuesto predial rural. Cada vez ms, se pide a las instituciones que se ocupan de la tenencia de la tierra que contribuyan a la descentralizacin de los servicios en beneficio de los gobiernos locales. Una de las expectativas de la descentralizacin es mejorar la prestacin de servicios por el nivel de gobierno que se encuentre ms prximo a los beneficiarios de los mismos.

Decentralization and rural property taxation

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2004
United Kingdom
United States of America

This volume is intended to support land administrators who are involved with the design and implementation of rural property tax systems. It is based on FAO’s Land Tenure Studies Number 5, which focused on rural property tax in Central and Eastern Europe. The response to that guide showed a need for information on rural property tax systems to be more easily available in other regions. In addition, this volume places a rural property tax more explicitly in the context of decentralization.

اللامركزية والضرائب على الملكية الريفية

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2004

تم إعداد هذا الدليل الخاص باللامركزية والضريبة على الملكية الريفية لمساعدة القائمين على إدارة الأراضي الذين يشاركون في تصميم وتنفيذ نظم الضريبة على الملكية الريفية، في وضع يشهد تزايد دعوة مؤسسات حيازة الأراضي إلى دعم نقل مسؤولية الخدمات إلى الحكومات المحلية. ويتوقع من عملية اللامركزية هذه أن تحسّن تقديم الخدمات عبر إيكالها إلى المستوى الحكومي الأقرب من المستفيدين منها. وإذ يتسع نطاق الخدمات التي توكل بها الحكومات المحلية، فإن العديد من البنى الحكومية الريفية ما زالت تفتقر إلى الموارد اللازمة للاضطلاع بالمسؤوليات الجديدة الملقاة على عاتقها.

La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2004

Le présent guide sur La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale a été préparé pour aider les administrateurs des terres qui participent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de systèmes d'imposition sur la propriété rurale. Les institutions foncières sont de plus en plus souvent appelées à soutenir la décentralisation des services vers les collectivités locales. L'un des objectifs de la décentralisation est d'améliorer la prestation de services au niveau administratif le plus proche de ces services.

Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Burma

Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2004

...The main objective of this research is to examine housing, land, and property rights in the context of Burma’s societal transition towards a democratic polity and economy. Much has been written and discussed about property rights in their various manifestations, private, public, collective, and common in terms of “rights”. When property rights are widely and fairly distributed, they are inseparable from the rights of people to a means of living.

Regional Law No. 18-3 on maximum limits of the plots of land.

мая, 2004
Eastern Europe

The present Regional Law determines the utmost (maximum and minimum) limits of the plots of land and the modalities of their delimitation on the regional territory. The Regional Law consists of 14 Articles. Article 1 determines the sphere of application. Article 2 regards legislation on maximum limits of the plots of land. Article 3 establishes the modalities of the determination of the maximum limits of the plots of land. Article 4 establishes maximum limits of the plots of land conceded for farming. Article 5 establishes maximum limits of the plots of land conceded for gardening.

Politique Foncière Agricole du Mali.

National Policies
марта, 2004

L’objectif général de la Politique Foncière Agricole (PFA) du Mali est d’assurer l’accès équitable de tous les producteurs maliens (hommes et femmes) et des autres utilisateurs aux terres agricoles aménagées bien gérées et sécurisées dans un environnement de bonne gouvernance foncière afin de favoriser des investissements publics, communautaires, individuels et privés maîtrisés susceptibles de rendre les différentes formes d’exploitation plus performantes et viables dans une perspective de souveraineté alimentaire durable.La PFA oeuvre à des systèmes agricoles inclusifs et efficaces.

State-induced violence and poverty in Burma

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2004

...The objective of this research paper is to describe specific ways in which the State
Peace and Development Council (SPDC) deprives the people of Burma of their land
and livelihood. Confiscation of land, labour, crops and capital; destruction of person
and property; forced labour; looting and expropriation of food and possessions;
forced sale of crops to the military; extortion of money through official and
unofficial taxes and levies; forced relocation and other abuses by the State...

Loi n° 10-2004 du 26 mars 2004 fixant les principes généraux applicables aux régimes domanial et foncier.

марта, 2004

La présente loi fixe fixant les principes généraux applicables aux régimes domanial et foncier, notamment aux droits des personnes physiques, morales et publiques (Etat, collectivités territoriales et établissement publics), et privées sur la propriété les sols (droits réels y afférents, les droits résultant du transfert du transfert de propriété, entre vifs ou en cas de succession).

Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) 2004-2007.

National Policies
февраля, 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

A Rich Man’s Hobby

Reports & Research
декабря, 2003

Argues that the price of commercial farmland in Namibia is high in relation to the profits that can be made from commercial livestock farming. As a result, farming is rapidly becoming the preserve of the urban rich who farm as a lifestyle choice and are prepared to subsidise their farms from their principal sources of income. Government policy is trying to encourage black Namibians into commercial farming through the Affirmative Action Loans scheme. However, given the price of land, many of these farmers will struggle to create commercially viable farms.