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An ambitious post-2015 development agenda will depend on soils

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2015

The sustainable management of soils is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This is evidenced by the analysis of the role soils play across the proposed agenda. However, some key aspects have not been sufficiently considered so far. Moreover, the SDGs will place increased demand on soils. Further advocacy is therefore needed to ensure that important soil and land related issues remain in the final declaration of the post-2015 agenda.

Simple technology, big impact

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2015
Central America

More than 30 years ago, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) started a post-harvest programme in Central America named “Postcosecha”. The significant impact that was still evident long after the project end also continues to exist after the cessation of external support. The current priority in SDC’s contribution to post-harvest management (PHM) is to use existing knowledge and experience to create conditions for scaling up the most appropriate PHM technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.

Commercial Agriculture Expansion in Myanmar: Links to Deforestation, Conversion Timber, and Land Conflicts

Reports & Research
февраля, 2015

In Myanmar, as in other countries of the Mekong, it is widely acknowledged that the clearing of forests to
make way for the expansion of commercial agricultural fields is increasingly the leading driver of deforestation,
alongside legal and illegal logging, and the clearance of forest areas to make way for infrastructure projects
such as roads and hydropower dams. While the conversion of forests for agricultural development has been
occurring for many decades, it is the unprecedented rate of this conversion that is now so astounding — as

Uzbekistan : Strengthening the Horticulture Value Chain

февраля, 2015

Why produce a policy note on
horticulture in Uzbekistan? There are several answers to
this existential question, although they are not necessarily
obvious ones. Agriculture, taken as a whole, constitutes a
small and declining share of Uzbekistan s national income,
and horticulture is a small share of agricultural income.
Even so, it is an important source of income for the 4.7
million households that operate dehkan farms in rural and

Law No. 191-VIII amending some legislative acts related to facilitation of business administration (deregulation).

февраля, 2015

Article 33 of the Land Code (No. 2768-III of 2001) shall be amended to add the following wording: “Land plots allotted for smallholding can be transferred by citizens for tenancy by legal entities of Ukraine and used by them for agricultural commodity production, farming without changing the specific use of these land plots”. Article 93 of the Land Code (No. 2768-III of 2001) shall be amended to add the following wording: “The term of lease of agricultural land for agricultural commodity production, farming and smallholding cannot be less than 7 years”. Article 72 of the Law No.

ICARDA Annual Report 2014

Reports & Research
января, 2015

2014 went on record as the hottest year ever measured, a telling sign that climate change is already here. The agriculture sector is predicted to take the heaviest toll, with the hardest hit being smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly in dry areas. With rising temperatures and greater stress on water resources, agricultural productivity is set to experience a substantial decline. Yet against these odds, we need to produce progressively more to feed a rapidly growing world population.

A comparative analysis of global cropping systems models and maps

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014

This study aims to explore and quantify systematic similarities and differences between four major global cropping systems products: the dataset of monthly irrigated and rainfed crop areas around the year 2000 (MIRCA2000), the spatial production allocation model (SPAM), the global agroecological zone (GAEZ) dataset, and the M3 dataset developed by Monfreda, Ramankutty, and Foley.

Cereal crops

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2014
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Southern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

The changing landscape of agriculture in Ghana: Drivers of farm mechanization and its impacts on cropland expansion and intensification

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

This study assesses whether the recent public and private efforts to improve farmers’ access to mechanical power in Ghana have had the intended effects on the country’s agricultural sector. Using panel survey data, this paper analyses the drivers of farm mechanization and its net impacts on cropland expansion and farming system intensification in northern Ghana. Several factors explain the use and use intensity of agricultural mechanization, including landholding size, total labor and fertilizer use per hectare, chemical use, and amount of land left fallow.