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Factors affecting urban demand for live sheep: The case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

As the share of small ruminant meat, especially sheep, in the demand and consumption of meat in general grows, information about consumer expenditure behaviour and demand parameters for live sheep will be valuable for several interest groups in the sheep industry. Using the Heckman two-stage approach, this study shows that sheep prices and household income, as well as socio-demographic factors, including household size and composition, significantly affect the likelihood of buying live sheep and expenditures on live sheep.

Gender roles and child nutrition in livestock production systems in developing countries: a critical review

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

The study of gender issues in agricultural production has become an important subject of inquiry, even since questions were raised on whether women and men benefited equally from economic development. The focus of the debate and empirical research has primarily been on the role of women in crop production to the virtual exclusion of the role of gender (women, men and children) in livestock farming.

ILRI 1999. Making the livestock revolution work for the poor

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

This annual report takes as its theme the central challenge facing the institute and its partners at the start of the new millennium: making the livestock revolution work for the poor. It is a companion report to the institutes new strategic plan, which takes the revolution as its basis in determining how ILRI's programme should evolve in the first decade of the 21st century. The report begins and ends on a farm in central Ethiopia, whose mixed crop-livestock producers are just beginning to participate in the expanding dairy market of the country's capital, Addis Ababa.

ILRI strategy to 2010. Making the livestock revolution work for the poor

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

This document is divided in four parts. The first part, external influences shaping ILRI's strategy, discusses the role of livestock in poverty alleviation, food and nutritional security, the environment and human health, livestock demand and production trends, productivity challenge, evolution of livestock systems, trends in science and information technologies and stakeholders for international livestock research. The second part highlights rationale for strategic choices while the third part outlines the strategic choices.

Using participatory research and gender analysis in natural resource management

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

The use of participatory tools and methods has increased dramatically in

natural resource management (NRM) over the past decade, largely because of

the recognition that sustainable NRM cannot be achieved without involving the

individuals and communities who make decisions about how resources are

used. Participation of resource users and other stakeholders is important not

only in the management of resources, but also in research oriented toward the

generation of information and innovations that shape how resources are

Caravan 13: Central Asia and the Caucasus (CAC)

Reports & Research
декабря, 2000
Syrian Arab Republic
Southern Asia
Central Asia
Western Asia

This issue of Caravan chronicles ICARDA’s efforts in developing a research strategy and a need-based research program for the CAC region. In doing so, ICARDA played a major role in bringing together all partners, most importantly donors. The article on page 8 traces the history of this effort and provides an overview of the current status of collaboration.

Las políticas de ajuste de los ejidatarios frente a la reforma neoliberal en México

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000

Desde 1988 el sector ejidatario mexicano se ha visto afectado
por una serie de cambios de política y perturbaciones exógenas
que han puesto en tela de juicio la viabilidad agrícola del
sector en su conjunto. Los cambios --liberalización del comercio,
privatización, reducción de los subsidios, eliminación
de los controles de precios, perturbaciones macroeconómicas,
devaluación y grandes reformas del marco legal que rige el
uso de la tierra en los ejidos-- han llevado a un reordenamiento