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Ministerial Decree No. 649 validating the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between transhumance areas and fixed pasture areas; and (d) pastures of the inhabited areas. All pasture areas shall be mapped and shall have boundaries designated afield.

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Regulations.


These Regulations implement the Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act by providing specifications on the register of stock routes (sects. 4-5), the use of stock reserves (sect. 6), way bills (sects. 7-12), licences for public watering places, inspections and disposal of straying stock (sect. 33).

Implements: Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act. (2002-01-01)

Décret nº 97-054/PRES/PM/MEF portant conditions et modalités d'application de la loi sur la Réorganisation Agraire et Foncière au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Ce décret détermine les conditions et les modalités d'application de la loi n° 014/96/ADP du 23 mai 1996 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso. Il est formé par 512 articles répartis en 5 parties: ....(I); Gestion du domaine foncier national (II); Réglementation des droits réels immobiliers (III); Dispositions transitoires (IV) et dispositions finales (V).

Regulation on pastures.

Western Asia

The objective of this Regulation is to define the methods and principles of implementing Pasture Law No 4342. Pastures are classified by the principles of their vegetation quality as: “extremely good”; “good”; “medium” and “weak”. Grazing capacities are determined by the local branches of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Pastures can be leased to farmers involved in animal husbandry for a period of 25 years. These farmers are obliged to implement rehabilitation plans, management plans, and grazing plans prepared by the Ministry.

Décret nº 2-69-312 portant application du dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Northern Africa

Ce décret porte application du dahir relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale. Il porte, notamment, dispositions relatives à la structure et à l'organisation de la commission locale d'amélioration pastorale, au registre des droits de parcours et à la carte de parcours, détenue par les propriétaires et les collectivistes ayant droit au parcours.

Met en oeuvre: Dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale. (1969-07-25)

Reindeer Management Regulation (No. 494 of 1991).

Northern Europe

This Regulation implements parts of the Reindeer Management Act whose scope is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. Chapter 2 concerns the acquisition of land and the use of acquired land in accordance with the Disposition Plan and directions of the District Offices for Rural Activities. Chapter III prescribes certain conditions in relation to loans for the purchase of land. Provisions of Chapter IV specify conditions and terms for loans and grants which may be approved under the Act. Chapter V provides for support of reindeer slaughtering.

Agriculture (Soil Erosion) Regulations 1967.

Northern America

These Regulations provide rules relative to the keeping of bovine animal, swine, sheep, goat or horse for purposes of soil conservation. No person shall keep or cause or permit any other person to keep animals, otherwise than in accordance with these Regulations or in accordance with a permit issued under regulation 4. Separate rules apply to zero grazing units in the sense of the Agriculture (Control of Animal Diseases) Regulations 1947. Regulation 3 prescribes a minimum area of land for each animal grazed. Regulation 5 places restriction on the importing animals.

Agricultural Small Holdings Regulations.


These Regulations define and list "prescribed trees" and "economic trees" for purposes of the Agricultural Small Holdings Act. For the purposes of section 8 of the Act, the areas specified in the Second Schedule shall be the areas in respect of which a landlord may reserve, in a rice tenancy contract, the exclusive right to graze cattle upon the holding for the period between the reaping of one crop of rice and the preparation of the land for planting the next crop.

Implements: Agricultural Small Holdings Act. (1997)

Notification on the procedures of forest settlement in Bhutan.

Southern Asia

The newly instituted Survey and Demarcation Division shall conduct the survey and definiton of boundaries of the so called reserved Forests of Bhutan and shall widely spread information about the forest areas included under this provision, in order to ascertain eventual claims of rights on forests and their products, land and water courses or grazing and pasture rights. The involved land shall be excluded from the reserved forest areas or expropriated or acquired.