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Dramatically increased accessibility and decreased cost- per-person impacts are needed for scaling IPM in Africa

декабря, 2021

While traditional scaling for integrated pest management (IPM) in Africa requires the movement of expert trainers from village to village, these efforts are often costly, time-inefficient, hampered by distance, and became impossible under COVID-19's movement restrictions (despite tremendously increased public need for IPM-scaling knowledge). One solution to this dilemma is IPM-scaling, usable by a diversity of development actors expending limited or few resources, to deliver critical information to large numbers of people with systems-approach information and communication technologies.

A recursive dynamic linear programming farm-level model to simulate the structural change in the arable production system of a Greek region

декабря, 2021

Structural change is integral to evolving economies (Goddard et al., 1993). Although increased agricultural productivity has allowed the release of resources needed by other sectors of the economy, structural change in agriculture usually has a negative connotation in public debate (Balmann and Valentinov, 2016). There are mainly two types of public concern about structural change in agriculture, with the former expressed as “dying peasants” and the latter as “factory farming” (Balmann and Valentinov, 2016).

Hidden benefits and risks of partial protection for coral reef fisheries

декабря, 2021

Partially protected areas are now the dominant global form of spatial management aimed at preserving ecosystem integrity and managing human use. However, most evaluations of their efficacy use only a narrow set of conservation indicators that reflect a fraction of ways in which protection can succeed or fail. In this paper, we examine three case studies of partially protected coral reef fishery systems to evaluate benefits and risks of their use as a management tool.

Diversity and traditional use knowledge of medicinal plants among communities in the South and South-Eastern zones of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia

декабря, 2021

In the present study, the diversity of medicinal plants (MPs) and associated traditional knowledge of rural community herbalists to treat human and animals’ diseases were assessed in two districts in the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Study participants were randomly selected for survey and focus group discussions, while key informant traditional healers were identified through snowball/chain-referral sampling. The informant consensus factor (FIC) by ailment category and fidelity level (FL) for some MPs were determined. About 97 MP species were identified.

Institutional innovations in community-based watershed management – exploring lessons for scaling from an Inter Aide Programme in Southern Ethiopia

декабря, 2021

This is a qualitative study on institutional innovations that the Inter Aide France (IAF) project has pioneered as part of its people-centred land management activities in Hadiya and Kembata-Tembaro (HKT) zones of Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region of Ethiopia. This is an offshoot of an ongoing partnership between IAF and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.

Scoping study on participatory rangeland management (PRM) in Wajir

декабря, 2021

This report is a contribution to ILRI's RECONCILE project Livestock, Climate and System Resilience (LCSR), a research program that aims to improve participatory rangeland management (PRM) uptake by establishing a stronger technical base. The three-year project builds on the gains and lessons learned in the implementation of PRM in Baringo implemented under similar collaborative arrangements and promoted PRM both as a concept for rangelands management and restoration and as a process that promotes sustainable land use, policy and governance of rangelands and pastoral livelihoods systems.

Living customary water tenure in rights-based water management in Sub-Saharan Africa

декабря, 2021

Living customary water tenure is the most accepted socio-legal system among the large majority of rural people in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on literature, this report seeks to develop a grounded understanding of the ways in which rural people meet their domestic and productive water needs on homesteads, distant fields or other sites of use, largely outside the ambits of the state. Taking the rural farming or pastoralist community as the unit of analysis, three components are distinguished.

Participatory diagnostic toolkits and crop improvement approaches: participatory methods to assess and use plant genetic diversity in the field.

декабря, 2021

In both developing and developed countries, there is increasing in terest in adopting more inclusive and problem-solving participatory re search methods. While there is a wealth of methods and toolkits for con ducting participatory research in the form of scientific articles, books, and manuals, this manual aims to provide a source of information on available toolkits used in conducting participatory research around plant genetic resources (PGR). The manual aims at all those involved in the characterization and utilization of PGR, information collection

A historical review of fertilizer policies in Nigeria

декабря, 2021

In its endeavor to improve agricultural productivity, food security, and livelihoods, Nigeria has pursued several approaches in fertilizer policy. Most of these approaches revolved around variants of government-financed subsidy programs. This paper assesses the history of fertilizer policies in Nigeria and the tenets of the fertilizer policies in two recent national agricultural policy documents – the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) (2010/11-2016) and the Agricultural Promotion Policy (APP) (2016-2020).